☪︎ 𝐿𝑒𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑒 ☪︎

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⚠️Tw: Death, Suicidal Thoughts⚠️

A week or two after Leslie's death, Ray wasn't counting. It'd make things harder. Today was the day of the viewing of the sweetest man Ray had ever known, his father.

Everyday got harder and harder to stay on earth. How he wished he were with his dad in the afterlife. And today, he'd have to see his lifeless body in a ceremony full of people, as he tries not to break down while speaking inspirational words instead of privately grieving.

Ray was highly antisocial and definitely not in a good enough state to speak to people. As of lately, he wasn't even doing the bare minimum. Isabella couldn't remember the last time he'd come out of his room.

Even when Norman came over, asking for him, he just stayed in his room.

Why did he have to die?

He didn't deserve it.


He was such a great person.


I miss my dad.

I don't want to be here anymore.

I want to be with my dad.

Why did you take him from me?

Why do you hate me?

What did I do to deserve this?

Ray's thoughts were spiraling out of control. This time, he had to come out of his room.

He got up from his bed after a while and stood in front of his mirror. He looked terrible. Dark, purple eye bags, messy and greasy hair, chapped lips, tear stains all over his cheeks, red, irritated eyes.

The teenage boy looked down at the t-shirt he was wearing. It was his father's from a trip they took to Los Angeles. There was a small butterfly design on the front of the t-shirt.

Leslie always loved butterflies. He made Ray love butterflies.


"Look, Ray!" Leslie pointed towards a beautiful, white butterfly as he smiles widely.

"What is that?" Little Ray asked.

"That's a butterfly, Ray. In my opinion, they're the most beautiful creatures on the planet. Besides you!" Leslie set his hands on Ray's sides and started to tickle him, earning excessive giggles from the small boy. Once finished, he looked up again, but the butterfly was gone. "It's so sad that they never stay for long." He looked down at his son.

"But it's okay, dad! Because whenever one leaves, it's going to it's family!"

"That's right, Ray." Leslie's smile softened. "I'll always be here for you. Even when I'm not, okay?"

"Promise?" Ray asked, although he didn't exactly know what it meant at the moment.

"I promise." He held out his pinky finger. Ray intertwined his small pinky finger with his father's. "I love you more than anything in this world, Ray."

Flashback End

I don't want to go. I don't want to see him like that. I don't want to see his lifeless body at a ceremony where everyone else can see it too. I don't want to speak about him in front of a crowd of sad people. Why should I have to do that? Isn't it okay to just let people grieve a loss so they can get over it faster.

I turned on the water to the shower, but I really don't want to get in. I'm not ready to look like I'm just okay, when I'm not. I'm not ready for people to call me strong, when I'm not. I want to be mad at the world for taking my dad away from me, but he wouldn't want that.

I step into the steaming hot water and just stand there. I don't want to be weak. I don't cry in front of people. He's the only one I let everything out with.

I hear a knock on the door of my bathroom.

"What do you want," I yell out just enough for the person to hear.

"Hurry up, Ray, we don't have all day." Of course it's mom. She never has any kind of sympathy towards me, no matter the situation. I mean, hell, if she were to see me crying, I'd probably get hit with a belt. Apparently to her, men aren't supposed to cry.

— — — — —

I get my tie on correctly and fold the collar of my shirt back down. I still look like complete shit. I put gel in half of my hair to slick it back, while I left the other side alone so it could cover my eye.

My mother opened the door to my room. She looks at me with an expression of disgust.

"Ray, you put in no effort to even attempt decency, why is this still covering your pretty face?" She takes the hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. "You were crying, weren't you?"

"No, I wasn't-"

"You can't lie to me, Ray. I can tell from your eyes." She stares me down. "You remind me of your father, it's sickening."

"Excuse me? Don't talk about my dad like that, you trashy woman."

"You have no right to speak to me that way, you are my son and I will not take this disrespect."

— — — — —

Isabella kept her eyes on the road as she drove. Krone sat in the passenger seat, filing her nails. Phil sat in the backseat with Ray. Although they weren't blood related, they considered each other cousins. Eight year age difference, and yet Phil was the only family Ray could tolerate.

The woman with a black braid in her hair gave her son a death glare once the car was parked. "You will be on your best behavior, do not act a fool or there will be consequences." She got out of the car.

"Ray, I know it sounds like bullshit, but your mother cares about you. Remember, her husband died. Give her some credit."

"Don't talk to me if all you're going to spit is defense for my mom. She personally let me know that she had no interest in my dad, but you didn't know that, right?"

"I've known your mother longer than you have lived. She always tries to get past hardship by acting as if it doesn't affect her. And even if she is saying stuff that she shouldn't be, she's still your mom and you need to respect her."

"That isn't fair. What was that saying I taught you, Phil?"

"Treat others the way you want to be treated!"

"Exactly. And if she's not going to respect me, then why should I respect her?"

Krone was stuck. "Let's just go to the damn ceremony please. Get this overwith."

— — — — —

Ray stood up on the pedestal, baffled. Everyone was staring at him like they were just expecting him to speak with ease. He looked around frantically in this crowd of practical strangers, trying to find a familiar face.

Then everything went black.

𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 - A Norman x Ray StoryWhere stories live. Discover now