𝐼𝑚 𝑆𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦, 𝑅𝑎𝑦

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⚠️Tw: Death Mention⚠️

It was the next day at school, and Norman awaited Ray where they always met up. He was quite complexed when Ray didn't show up. He had perfect attendance. Always.

The bell rang.

The late bell rang.

Everyone was gone.

Was he really not coming to school today?

The day that Norman mustered up confidence to ask him out.

"Maybe it's a sign.." Norman whispered to himself.

He began second guessing his confession to Ray. As he stood behind the bungalows near the back gate of the school, he wondered whether he should go through with the confession or not. He was so deep in thought, he didn't realize that classes had already started.

Just then, he got a phone call from his father.


"Norman, where are you."

"Uhhh- at school. Why?"

"Where in the school?"

"Behind the bathrooms near the back gate."

"Go to the main office, I'm here to pick you up. And next time you try to skip class, there will be consequences."

"But, I didn't-"

"Goodbye, Norman." James hung up the phone.

Norman's only thoughts were ..

Why is he claiming I was skipping class

Why is he picking me up early

He made his way to the main office, throwing away the violets he had in his hand for Ray.

"Took you long enough, Norman."

"My apologies, father."

"Now let's go. This is an emergency."

"What's happening?" Norman asked as his dad dragged him out of the school by his wrist.

"Something happened over at the neighbors' house. Isabella phoned me, crying hysterically. She claimed something happened to Leslie... And she says that... Ray needs you." James cleared his throat.

"So, let me get this straight. You took me out of school early, specifically so I can help Ray. After you told me that I wasn't allowed to see him because he was a 'bad influence'." Norman's sarcastic finger quotes made James feel stupid.

"Norman, I am genuinely concerned with their situation. I need answers as to what happened with Leslie. And I need you to help the poor woman with Ray. She's afraid that he'll do something stupid, like attempt- you know what-."

"Okay, father, I'm sorry."

The rest of the drive back home was silent. Norman was getting more curious by the second as to what happened. He figured that it had something to do with Ray's absence at school this morning.

He was also curious as to why his father cared so much. Sure, James had known Leslie since before the family moved into the next house, but he usually didn't care this much when Isabella and Leslie would fight. Or when any other problems with the family occurred.

Why was he so invested?

They got to the home, and right away Norman sprinted out of the car and into Ray's house. He stopped by a worried-looking Isabella.

"Where's Ray?" He asked.

"He's in his room. And- thank you for coming."

"Anything for Ray." Norman whispered before walking into Ray's room.

When he got inside, he closed the door behind him. Norman notices that the boy's room looked completely normal, but Ray was laying down on his bed, facing the wall.


No response.

Was he sleeping?

"Ray-?" Norman called out again. Only, he got a response this time. Sniffles, coming from Ray. Without a word, Norman sat on Ray's bed and started to rub his back. Ray flinched.

"Norman?" He calls out softly, turning a bit.

"Yes, Ray, I'm here." Norman responds with a gentle tone. Ray sits up and hugs the albino.

"You didn't have to come.."

"Yes I did, Ray. I love you." He paused. "You're my best friend."

"I love you too.. my- uh- best friend."

A small silence formed between the two. Though they couldn't see each other's faces, it was almost as if the mutual disappointment was felt.

"If you don't mind, Ray, can you tell me what happened?"

"Oh... I forgot about that." The latter took a long hesitation before speaking again. "My dad- he..." Ray began crying again, silently. "He had a stroke. The doctors say it was from stress buildup."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How is he?"

"Clinging onto life. And I can't help but feel like it's all my faul-"

"It's not your fault, Ray, trust me. You make his life better, just by living. He loves you with all his heart and I highly doubt that he would be happy about the way you're speaking."

"Y-You're right," Ray's sobs began to have sound. He loved his dad so much. "He always makes me feel better about anything that goes wrong in my life. He's an amazing person, why did it have to happen to him..?"

Norman tightened his grip on his sobbing friend as he prayed for Leslie's safety. He couldn't even begin to imagine how Ray must've been feeling, but he still tried his best to make the boy feel better in any way he could.

"They're not even letting us see him," Ray said through sobs. Norman continuously rubs Ray's back. "H-He can't die.."

𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 - A Norman x Ray StoryWhere stories live. Discover now