What did I do to deserve this?

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"Yeah, she just wanted to be here for a bit." Branden replied. "She doesn't like talking to people."

"I couldn't tell. How'd you even meet her?" I asked.

"She was super drunk and I picked her up off the road and we talked. She's now sober because of it, and yeah. That's pretty much it." Branden went over to the window and watched her leave. "I think I'm gonna leave. She'll probably want me back at the house." He grabbed his jacket off the couch in the living room.

"Bye bro," The guys and I gave him a hug before leaving.

"So what are we going to do for the rest of the day?" Jeph asked. He sat down on the couch.

"I don't know. We never know." Quinn said. "Sexy party?"

"Dude what the fuck?" I said.

"I don't know. Thought it would be funny." Quinn looked at me and sighed. "I'm gonna see if Aimee will talk to me." He got his phone out.

"Dude just get over her already. It's been two weeks." Jeph said. "She already would've called you by now if she wanted to get back togther."

Quinn looked at his phone for a minute and stared back at us. "I loved her, she was amazing." He left with his phone. "I don't care. I'm still gonna call her."

There was a silence in the room for a while. I heard something upstairs, but it didn't sound like anything I should be worried about.

  "Oh, Quinn. We need to get him laid." Jeph said. He fell back against the couch.

"Dude, just let him get over this." Bert said back. "Everyone needs time to get over their ex."

"True, he just needs a girl to tallk to." Jeph looked over at me.

"Yeah, but not now." I said.

"Fine, but he needs a friend." Jeph looked over at me again.

"Why do I have to?" I asked. "You could go up there."

We heard something crash upstairs, it sounded like he broke glass. "Fine," I walked upstairs, I was a little worried about the crash was but I kept calm. 

"Quinn you okay?" I asked, tapping my fist against the door.

No responce.

"Quinn. Hello?"

He didn't answer, I just opened the door. Quinn was laying on his bed crying silently. I could see hair trying to hide his red, teared face. He had thrown his lamp at the wall, and it had shattered into a million little peices.

"Just leave me the fuck alone," He wimpered. He put his middle finger up at me. I walked farther into his room.

"No, Quinn. Aimee has move-." Thats all I ever got out.

"Aimee's gone." I didn't know what he ment.

"I know Aimee's moved on. But you can have someone else." I sat down next to him. "You could find someone better than Aimee."

"No I can't." He wimpered.

"Is it because she's moved on and you can't?"

"No that's not it," he lifted his head up so I could see his tear-stained face, "She's dead." He set his head into my lap and cried. My heart sank, in this past week Quinn had been hurt by crashing and death. He didn't need any of this happening to him, it wasn't right.

I laid back and cuddled Quinn. He hugged me closer to him every time he took a breath. I let one tear fall from my eye, but I wanted to be strong for Quinn. It was the feeling you get when you find out your best friend didn't come home the night before, it was like I lost Quinn. I didn't know Aimee, but it felt like she was someone I did know.

"I'm so sorry." I said softly.

"I don't want you to ever leave." He said to me.

"I won't, I promise." I rubbed the back of his head.

 I felt Quinn's breathing slow. He wiped his face and layed beside me. He closed his eyes and we stared back into each others eyes. He closed his and fell asleep later on, I did the same.


"Quinn," I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Quinn was gone. I went downstairs to see if he was there. Everyone was gone. I checked the time, 8:56 p.m. I found a little note on the counter.

"Hey, Zoe when you get up we might be gone. Don't freak out, we'll be back soon. Quinn wants us to hang around with Aimee's parents for a few days, and I know you don't have a car so stay put and we'll be back in a few days. Before the 21th I'll guess. So call when you get up.

- Jeph 

"Fuck, what am I supposed to do here?" I asked myself. I found my phone and tried to call Bert. He didn't pick up, so I called Jeph. It took him a while to get his phone.

"Hey, I can't talk right now, bye." He hung up.

"Fuck," I angrily stomped around the kitchen. 


I woke up on the floor to my phone vibrating beside me. I yawned and grabbed it. Jeph was calling me.

"Hey," I said still trying to wake myself up.

"Hey. Quinn's asleep but he is really depressed. So I might not be on for long if he wakes up." He whispered.

"It's sounds like your talking about a child. But yeah, why aren't you coming home?"

"Didn't you read the note? He wants to stay with Aimee's family."

"But why can't I come?" I asked. I was concerned about Quinn, I wanted to go see him.

"Quinn didn't want you to have to deal with him. And we are staying with him."

"Ok fine, can't one of you pick me up? I want to see him." I urged Jeph to pick me up.

"We need to watch the whole family so we can't really. But see you in a few days." He hung up.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I said to myself. "Alone for a few days, without transportation. What the fuck am I going to do?" I realized that I talk to myself alot. I scrolled through my phone and stopped at Matt's name. I texted him.

Z: Hey can I stay at your house for a bit. I'm alone at Quinn's and him and the guys won't be home for awhile.

I waited for what had felt like hours before he said anything back.

M: Maybe, I'll see if my buddy is not home and if he's there I'll just stay where you are.

Z: Ok thanks.

M: He's not home so I'll pick you up.

Z: Thank you.

I waited by the window sill like a dog as I watched to see if my friend had arrived. When I saw headlights I rushed outside and got in the car.

Matt laughed at me, "Well, okay then. Lets go." He pulled out of the driveway and drove to his home.

He lived in a little apartment that had been covered in graffiti. I couldn't make out much of it because it was dark.

"Well this is home." He said as he got out of the car.

"Who do you live with?" I wanted to know, maybe it was someone I knew.

"This kid named Adam. He is also trying to start a band." He unlocked the door and threw his keys on the shelf beside us.

"What's the bands name." Adam sounded familiar.

"Taking Back Sunday. They are releasing some new stuff soon." He said it like Taking Back Sunday was nothing.

"Oh my God. Adam damn Lazzara lives here? I love him." I said to him. It was true, Taking Back Sunday was one of my favorite bands.

"Well, I didn't know you well." He was surprised. "TBS is pretty good."

"You've only been here for a few days, so you don't know me at all. And TBS is amazing. I saw them a few weeks ago with my buddy."

"Well I'll call him and maybe you can meet him." Matt said grinning.

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