Why does everyone follow Zoe when she's drunk? And many other questions.

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"That took awhile," The driver said while we stepped onto the bus, he had been waiting for us in the parking lot.

"Well, you don't know what my dear here is going through." Brian said as we got onto the bus.

He rolled his eyes while shutting the door. "Just let's get to the place," He started driving.

"We're all back," Brian said sitting beisde Stef and Steve. I sat next to Brian, almost on him basically.

"Good. Took you awhile, didn't it?" Stef looked at his phone, it was already around 3. Brian came to pick me up at 1. "It did."

"I'll disgust you but I was throwing up. I'm alright now." I said emotionless.

"You seriously okay?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," I looked around. We were on a different bus. "Did you get a new bus?"

"Of course we did, you were dying on the old one. We got all your stuff though, nothing's gone." Stefan replied.

"Thanks, I would proly be dead without you guys." I thought for a minute. "Without you, I'm nothing."

Brian blushed. "Stop using references."

"It's fun," I crossed my arms, pretending to be mad.

"Fine," Brian looked at the T.V. and looked around for a minute. "Where the hell is the remote?"

Steve turned around and grabbed it, "I think there might be an interview with us from last week on channel 164."

Brian took the remote and turned it to that very channel. They cut to commerical before starting up the show.

"Hello music fans. I'm Jessie and today we have the band Placebo on the show," He pointed to the trio, "welcome guys."

"Hi," Brian said meekly, waving at the camera.

"So how are you?" Jesse asked, handing the mic to Stefan.

"I'm okay," He shoved the mic at Steve.

"Feeling okay." He said, giving the microphone to Brian, he was smoking and shaking a little.

Brian took the mic and sighed. "I'm alright, a little worried but okay."

The interviewer had his own mic when the camera went back to him. "Your newest album, 'Black Market Music' has been a success. I'd like to say it's amazing."

Brian took a drag from his cigarette before answering. "Thank you. We try."

"So I've been hearing some pretty interesting news about this American tour you're on right now," Jesse itched the back on his neck. "Anything you guys want to say about it before I do?"

Steve took the mic from Brian gently. "No, nothing really." He gave the mic back to a tramatized Brian, I knew what he was thinking.

Jesse turned to the camera and back to them. "So, a rumour I heard was about a fan. Do you know anything about a rumour?"

"No," Brian's voice quivered. Jesse didn't notice it.

"Well," he looked down at his cards he held in his hands. "The rumour is about this girl, that she was kind of beaten-."

"Stop fucking talking." Brian was pissed. "Just stop. Don't bring it up." He didn't want to hear anything else about it.

Jesse was surpried at Brian's emotion towards him. "So it's not a rumour?"

"Don't fucking say anything about it." Steve said to Jesse. "Just stop, please." Steve looked over at Brian. He was crying now.

The interview stopped and it went back to the actual T.V. show. Jesse was sitting in a chair over by where a T.V. was playing the video. Two other people had joined Jessie.

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