Episode 25 - Firework Fever! Night of the Summer Festival!

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After spending several days enjoying summer break, the trio started running out of things to do. Lucky for them, the summer festival was coming up and it was the perfect event to celebrate the summer.

"The summer festival?" Suzuko asked.

"Yeah! It's the best! There's games and lots of snacks... not to mention fireworks too!" Sora explained.

"You'll love it Suzuko, trust me. They're so much fun!" Emiri said.

"You think so?" Suzuko seemed unsure. "I don't know if I'd really enjoy going on my own..."

"Well we were going together silly! Of course it wouldn't be fun by yourself!" Sora teased. "And don't worry, me and Emiri will make sure your first ever summer festival is amazing!"

"You guys..." Suzuko smiled. She constantly worried if Sora and Emiri were ever tired of her experiencing normal life events for the first time and explaining every single one to her, but she was glad that they were always willing to include her in their plans.

"So I'm thinking we meet up together at the festival? I know I'm going with my family but they're fine with me going off to hang with you guys. Are your families coming too?" Sora asked.

"No, my parents don't usually go to the festival. I'm going on my own." Emiri replied.

"I think my older sister is coming but she's meeting with some friends of hers." Suzuko said.

"Oh okay, perfect! We'll meet there and then the fun can begin~!" Sora said.

"Yaaay!" Emiri cheered. Suzuko also awkwardly cheered along with her. Now that their plans were set, Sora was thrilled. She was going to do everything she could to make this the best festival for Suzuko.


Sora was certain she just wasted a bunch of time getting ready for the festival, but to her relief, she was making good time. Her mom helped her style her hair and tie her yukata correctly and once she was finished, Sora twirled in front of the mirror. She looked perfect.

As soon as she and her family left home, Sora was trying to get there as fast as she could so she'd meet up with her friends, who were probably there before she was for all she knew. It wasn't easy to run in sandals, but Sora caught sight of Emiri and Suzuko talking to another girl.

"Heeeeey! Guys!" She shouted.

Emiri and Suzuko turned in her direction, looking really excited to see her.

"Sora! You made it!" Emiri said.

"Barely... my family is so slow..." Sora pouted. She then turned to Suzuko and noticed the girl standing next to her. "Suzuko, is this your sister??"

"Yeah! This is my sister Hitomi!" Suzuko said, smiling.

"Hi I'm Hitomi! Thanks for taking good care of my sister." Hitomi smiled at Sora as she politely bowed.

"Hehe, no problem!" Sora smiled back. Now that the trio was together, Hitomi left to go hang out with her friends. Before going to run off and eat some food, the girls all looked at each other in their yukatas.

Sora showed off her pale blue yukata with an interesting circle pattern on it, she also had her hair up in a ponytail similar to the one she usually had during soccer practice. Her hair was being held up by a bow with a flower decoration on it.

Emiri's hair was tied in a high bun with flower accessories and to nobody's surprise, her yukata was pink with flowers printed on it.

Suzuko had a red yukata with clouds on it and her hair was tied in a cute side ponytail with a hair decoration similar to Sora's.

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