Episode 37 - Sora's Struggle! The Championship Game!

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The past week had been incredibly intense for Sora. Practice had taken up most of her time now that her team was getting close to the big game that would determine if they would be in the championships. Even when practice was over, she would take extra time at home to practice on her own. Sora had never been more focused on a game in her life, and for good reason. She had everyone counting on her to help the team win so she knew it was up to her to put in more effort than ever before. To help her prepare, Sora made sure to go to sleep at a good time, dedicate time to her homework so she wouldn't fall behind, and she even decided to cut back on the ice cream for a while too, much to Rei's delight.

But even all the preparation she was doing couldn't get rid of the nagging thoughts in the back of her mind.

You're going to let everyone down.

Everyone will see how much of a failure you are.

Just tell your friends about what's wrong already.

Sora knew she had to tell Emiri, Suzuko, and Rei about all her insecurities eventually. But for some reason, that was more scary to her than the chance of losing the upcoming game. Maybe in her mind, Sora thought she was the most confident person ever. She was always so outgoing and running into situations without a thought.

But no amount of confidence could truly get rid of one's personal struggles. She knew her confident front was gradually starting to slip with how much she had been messing up in battles against Pollution's soldiers so she was certain her friends already noticed something was off. She just had to be honest but she also hated the thought of revealing how vulnerable she was to the others. She didn't want to be seen differently as a leader or prove just how unfit she maybe was for that position. But regardless of how she felt, she had to get it off her chest.

"Tomorrow... I'll talk to them tomorrow during lunch! Yeah!" Sora said to herself.

"Talk to who ~sky?" Skyla had appeared, overhearing Sora talking to herself.

"Oh Skyla! I was going to talk to the others about something... something that's been on my mind for a while now." Sora said.

"What is it ~sky? You know you can tell me anything ~sky!" Skyla said, smiling at Sora.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. But a while back, me and the girls had a sleepover. We talked about our worst fears and I thought it would be cool to act like I wasn't afraid of anything, so I lied. And since then, I just feel like I've been off my game. I'm not at my best when we're fighting, and sometimes in soccer practice, I'm not as in it as I should be. And to me, that's scary. So many people are counting on me and I don't want to let them down. I don't even want to think of what would happen if we lose the game and it ends up being my fault. I also don't want the others to see me as a bad leader... sorry if I'm rambling, I have a lot on my mind." Sora explained.

"No no, it's okay ~sky! I'm glad you feel comfortable talking to me ~sky. I think it's normal every now and then to doubt your position and yourself. I imagine being the leader of the Precure isn't easy, and there's a lot at stake ~sky. But look at what you've done so far, you've done a lot of good things, you don't need to worry ~sky! After all, there had to be an important reason why you were chosen as leader ~sky." Skyla said.

"A reason... I wonder what that reason could be." Sora said. "Do you think we'll ever find out why?"

"Who's to say ~sky? I never know the reasons why Precure are chosen or anything, but I remember sensing something special about you when we first met ~sky." Skyla said.

"Huh... maybe I'll ask Ami's parents if we ever restore your home." Sora said.

"If? You will ~sky! You will restore the kingdom, I just know it ~sky!" Skyla smiled at Sora again. "Anyways, I think I should let you sleep ~sky. The game is tomorrow right?"

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