Episode 07 - Sora Under Stress! Fight On Team!

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Sora ran across the soccer field, kicking the ball as she sped up. She noticed she had an open shot, so she took it. Yet another practice goal! Her teammates cheered and the ones closest to Sora ran to give her high fives. Based on the way practice was going, there was no doubt in Sora's mind that they were going to win their game tomorrow. Sora continued being congratulated until a whistle blow silenced the group. It was their team captain, Yuka.

"Okay team! Good practice today! Now, I'm fully aware that we're going against our rivals tomorrow. But, we've practiced hard and we are doing very well this season. I think we have a good chance of winning. In the meantime, please take care of yourselves, I don't want any of you showing up tired or anything. Together now... Shizen Town Academy...." Yuka began, huddling the team together. They all joined hands and shouted together "GO! FIGHT!"

When the cheering stopped, everyone looked at Yuka, smiling. She smiled back, signaling that the team members could go home for the day. Sora grabbed all her stuff and ran to the locker room, beating everyone there.

"Geez Sora! Are you in a hurry or something?!" Izumi said, catching her breath. Miyuki was close behind Izumi when the two caught up with Sora.

"I'm just excited! We're doing great and we have a good chance of winning tomorrow!" Sora said. "Plus, Emiri is coming to the game and she's never been to one! I'm excited to see her~!"

"Ohhhhh that's exciting!" Miyuki said, her eyes sparkling.

"Right? I just have to be at the top of my game tomorrow, I've told Emiri that I'm one of the star players and everything. And I really want to live up to that, you know?" Sora looked at her two friends, she seemed a little less excited than before.

"That makes sense, but I'm sure you'll do fine Sora. It's not like you to be a little nervous." Izumi said, putting her arm around Sora.

"I guess you're right. And hey! I'm not nervous at all! When was the last time you've seen me nervous before a game?" Sora claimed, standing confidently.

"Well... I don't exactly remember but it has been a long time!" Miyuki said, putting her finger to her chin as if she was thinking.

"Exactly! Everything's going to be fine tomorrow! I feel it!" Sora said, leaving the school with her friends following. Even if she seemed excited and confident, there was still just a tiny bit of insecurity in Sora's mind. She had to do her best, she had to help her team win.


Tornado practiced some combat moves alone, furious that he only had one chance to prove himself. How did he fail so badly? He couldn't wrap his head around it. The more he tried to understand, the more rage he was filled with. He couldn't help himself anymore. Tornado was so furious that he punched the wall in anger.

"I have to stop them today! I have to! I'll destroy an entire town if it means the Precure are gone!!" He yelled out, not caring if anyone heard him or not. He continued shouting to motivate himself when a couple familiar voices spoke out.

"Awww it's a shame that you're so close to dying... I really thought you could follow a simple order. Taking the keys from those stupid Precure shouldn't be that hard!" Naru teased, revealing herself from the shadows.

"And it'll be even more of a shame when me and my sister will surpass you and do what you couldn't. Time is running out, you'd better plan your next attack. Because it could be your last." Tsunami said. He and Naru circled around Tornado, making him feel uncomfortable. But Tornado was not about to show his fear, especially to some children.

"You kids better stop threatening me! You know I could beat you in a fight any day!! I got this under control okay? You don't need to mess with me anymore. I'll come back with that key and everyone will praise me as a hero!"

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