•part four•

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Jackson household, Birmingham, 1919:

W H E N  Pius entered the narrow kitchen of his home, Eleanor wasn't waiting for him with a nice breakfast like she had done for a week since her arrival, and instead, his younger sister smoked a cigarette, the sight new to Pius since Elle hadn't smoked the time he left for War. Her eyes seemed plagued with exhaustion and worry, which made Pius realize exactly what she wished to talk about.

Pius knew very well why she looked the way she did, it was mainly his fault. Hell, he even hurt her when all she tried to do was help him overcome his disastrous memories that still haunted him like a ghost haunted its home. Whatever Eleanor had heard or seen must have been worrisome because she didn't acknowledge his presence.

What Pius didn't know was that despite worrying about him, Eleanor's mind was with Tommy Shelby or his work proposition. She knew Pius would freak if he heard his little angelic sister would get to see their illegal business first hand. However, Elle didn't care much and decided to focus on Pius as soon as he sat down by the table, glancing at his dishevelled form.

It was a late morning, but Pius had a free day since Tommy had business to attend to, whatever it was. Eleanor had heard Pius talk about some fair they'd go to soon, but didn't care much since she knew Pius rarely ever questioned Thomas, because even two of his closest brothers barely knew Tommy's plans sometimes.

Tommy was a mysterious man to say the least, and Pius wondered how the deal with his sister would end, unaware of a conversation she had with the man in question. Pius knew Elle was stubborn as a bull and always got her way, no matter the consequences, but she was also a kind girl, thus Pius hoped the deal would end as quickly and as easily as it had begun. Even if Tommy was a stubborn man too, who got what he wanted so if these two people happened to clash and Eleanor wouldn't back down, Pius was almost certain cities could burn.

Eleanor finally finished smoking and sighed, taking out her cigarette and burying her head into her hands, which rested on the table by an elbow so Pius tried to joke, but it didn't seem to land. "We should get drunk, most definitely," he suggested, feeling his throat dry by the look she had given him after such a joke.

"We should better talk about your condition," she told him seriously, feeling like nice days were over for Pius, especially when he seemed to take his nightmares or traumas as a joke. Pius was struggling with reality, present and the past, and she wasn't going to let him go down the drain of alcohol and drugs, which seemed to be the things he was turning to.

Pius clenched his jaw as if unsatisfied, though he knew the second he sat down she would bring up the topic. The man even sat down in a way to seek help, but was too prideful to ask. He didn't want to bother his sister, his only blood family left with such shit, because he was supposed to be older. He was her guardian since he was barely 18, but he learned. He had learned how to be a good brother and how to take care of her when their parents died one after another. Maybe that was why she wanted to do what she was doing to him now. Repay his wasted youth.

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