•part thirty•

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The Jackson household, Birmingham, 1919:

A T exactly 12 in the morning, Eleanor's life changed for the worst. Half an hour later, Eleanor found herself facing her brother's wrath, who wished her death from the way he seethed at her. Another half an hour later, Eleanor was running, leaving everything and everyone she loved behind.

And it all started with a single lie that led to the hell she was going through.

Eleanor woke up in Tommy's arms, tired and still bleeding as he carried her back to the Shelby household, quick on his feet. His arm still sported a gunshot wound, but he could've cared less about muscle strain when a woman in his arms, let alone a woman he loved, was so hurt. And yet the wounds compared to her soul were only scratches.

They didn't speak even if Tommy did see that she had woken up, her bloodshot eyes filled with pain, pain he knew not even he could take away from her. But he'd try. Everything ended well, almost everything if not for Campbell, who Tommy could've cared less if was dead. Augustus was certainly dead, the blood on Elle proved his certainties, and yet she was draped in it. Tommy knew Eleanor had went through hell and yet he couldn't think of a single word to help her. He had been in war, he knew what it meant to bathe in your enemy's blood, and yet he remained silent, showing that he cared in different methods.

Stopping near his home's door, Tommy kicked it with his leg, wishing for someone to open the door and allow them to enter. Elle rested her head on his shoulder, just underneath his chin, and she could smell alcohol and cigarette smell on Tommy, something that drove her crazy before now nauseating. She wished to tell the man to leave her to die, she didn't want to enter a home in which everyone would be waiting for her.

Tommy, appalled the door wasn't opened, yelled something, but Elle couldn't hear so he turned to look at her face, eyes almost awake, but she held on, and he prayed to God she would stay awake. She had bled too much, and he feared she was still losing blood. Moving to the neighboring house, which was her home, Tommy saw that the door was open and entered, Elle shaking her head weakly.

Somehow she knew. Somehow Eleanor just knew that Pius had learned everything. And nothing was scarier than that. Nothing hurt more than that.

Tommy entered a home Eleanor was familiar with, a home she knew wasn't hers anymore, because when Tommy stopped upon seeing Pius in the doorway, a clear mess, Elle knew Pius had found out. She just knew it. "Pius, she's hurt," Tommy finally spoke up as Elle continued to stare at her brother's dull face, his eyes puffy.

In long years, Eleanor hadn't seen her brother cry. The last time she saw his tear up was when they parted ways when he went to France, but as she looked at him that evening, he had been sobbing. Her heart shattered, or at least what was left of her heart did before Pius stalked towards Tommy, scaring the female as if she thought Pius was going to hurt her. However, he stopped two feet away abruptly, perhaps, afraid of Tommy's challenging glare, or perhaps still empathetic towards how his sister looked. "Leave," Pius snapped at Tommy angrily, but the Shelby only scoffed angrily and continued to hold Elle, who closed her eyes, tears oozing down the dried blood on her cheek. With each tear, she felt less energetic as if those tears were her last resort to life.

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