•part eleven•

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The Garrison, Birmingham, 1919:

E L E A N O R felt great. Tommy paid her exactly 25 pounds and not more or less. She wondered whether it was a compensation to getting touched by Kimber, but she wasn't going to question his sudden generosity, not to spoil his goodness. She felt the richest she had ever been. Elle bought a nice dress for the races, but she hadn't told Pius that she'd go there. Everything still felt like a bad dream, but at least she was still alive. Still, something was telling Elle that Tommy had a plan for her, a plan that would be a continuation of what Kimber had started to do with her. If that was the case, she knew, she'd ask Tommy for another 3 pounds.

Eleanor found herself sitting in the Garrison a few days later, watching Grace work in silence, her own mind plagued with many things that was happening around her currently. A stack of papers rested on the bar top in front of Elle as she tried to do her job. She knew Tommy would dislike the fact she was working outside of their betting shop, but she couldn't care less that moment, writing, calculating all while indulging herself in sweet rum, aware it was too early to drink.

Elle didn't wish to admit but she was beginning to overthink everything happening around her. She remembered about the guns or Campbell, who surprisingly had forgotten about her, not that she usually walked by the police station. The gun deal, however, did bother her, especially since Pius was worried about that ordeal, and Eleanor hated seeing him like this. Tommy hadn't told his brothers from what she could still see, but her brother did know, and was becoming restless, especially when Eleanor had overheard him mention the IRA.

The Irish Republican Army was a paramilitary movement in Ireland and although Elle didn't wish to get into politics, she knew the IRA wished freedom from British control, something the latter didn't wish to happen. Shootouts, riots happened all day every day, and yet Eleanor was still rather puzzled as to why Pius would mention the IRA. Nevertheless, politics was yet again not her business and she just wished to do her own job. She just hoped Tommy would deal with the guns quickly since Pius was bad at keeping secrets for long, or staying sane.

Grace turned to look at Eleanor, who with one hand held a pen and a burning cigarette, and with another finished her glass of rum. The barmaid furrowed her eyebrows, observing a woman who was actually putting problems in Grace's actual plans. For some reason, Tommy found himself talking to Eleanor more than to her, and Grace had to find out what was happening. She even began to think about stealing some papers from Eleanor to see what was happening with Tommy's business, but Eleanor then met Grace's eyes, causing the blonde to avert her suspicious gaze elsewhere.

Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows, finding Grace's behavior strange until the barmaid began to pour Elle another glass of rum. "Oh, no, no more. I need my mind sharp if I wish to finish these papers," Elle covered her empty glass so Grace nodded and took the bottle away from the glass as Eleanor separated her pen and cigarette, taking a drag until Pius entered the Garrison, noticing his sister straightaway.

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