•part nine•

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Small Heath, Birmingham, 1919:

T H O M A S, although knew he had been right, in a way felt like he had been still fooled by Eleanor Jackson. They continued to stand in an empty alleyway, the street a bit away from them and it gave Elle relief as her fire driven eyes finally met his own knowing ones. The gun irritated him, because she held it right at his eyes, blocking his sight that he wanted to see. She stood too close to him so one wrong move and he could've unarmed her just as easily as she could shoot, but Tommy knew that for some reason she wouldn't shoot him.

Eleanor let out a breath, smirking wickedly at the man she had to kill and now finally had in her palm. She prayed he wasn't followed when he came here, his brothers or Pius especially, because then things would go south pretty easily. "Sit," she ordered demandingly, pointing with her head at a few boxes, laying near the dumpsters, but Tommy scoffed, wanting to put his hands into his pants' pockets. "Don't move."

Tommy sighed deeply, stopping his arms from moving as he glared at her in annoyance. Eleanor hated how calm he was being, because she wanted to scare him, to show him that he wasn't the only one with motives up his sleeve. "I was right," he then announced, Eleanor chuckling slightly at his need to be right, not obeying to her orders despite being on a verge of death from her gun. "I was right..."

Elle grinned to herself, feeling her hand tremble at the period of time she had to hold the gun up at him. She prayed for her arm not to begin shaking more, because she didn't want to shoot him accidentally. "In a way, yes, I suppose. Now sit down or are you afraid of dirtying your little pants?" she asked him again so Tommy rolled his blue eyes and moved towards the boxes, unbuttoning his jacket and sitting down, pulling one leg on top of another, clearly not intimidated by Eleanor, who switched her hands to hold the gun.

She didn't look away as she approached to stand in front of him and straightened herself, keeping her gun aimed at him. Thomas sighed, feeling disappointed despite being right this whole time as he thought about why she wanted him dead. He hadn't found out yet but the gun aimed at him meant she did. "Who?" he then questioned dully, feeling his anger seep through his hard exterior that she broke the minute she held the gun up to his face. Eleanor realized Tommy thought she herself wouldn't wish his death, and had to applaud the man's smartness to realize straight away that she was bought. Or, perhaps he just didn't think she'd be smart enough to do this herself. "Who wants me dead?"

Elle scoffed gently, feeling nervous about where this would lead them. So many things could've gone wrong and yet she was brave enough to put her plan into action. It was Tommy's fault, after all. "Like I will tell you," she sassed, pushing her victory down his throat so Tommy mused and got comfortable as the two people continued to talk in an empty alleyway.

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