•part twenty-two•

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The Jackson household, Birmingham, 1919:

P I U S 'S snores rang throughout the living room of the Jackson household, tuning out any other sound the next morning as Eleanor stood at the end of her brother's dangling feet, staring at the man lay on the sofa with his stomach down. Tommy stood approximately a feet away from Eleanor, being closer than he usually would be as he watched the blonde stare at Pius without a word, but he didn't have to see her face to know she was confused. Perhaps, even a bit nervous, but he didn't know whether she was nervous because of Pius or his closeness to her.

Tommy himself didn't know, and after realizing that he was in love with this female, he knew he had to dim the feeling. But at the same time pursue Eleanor, these two things fighting in his mind. Things weren't easy with Tommy and he knew Eleanor had already learned that.

"Do you think he saw us?" she finally spoke up, voice laced with worry. Still, despite the unnerving feeling that Pius might have seen his sister and best mate in his bed together, she still felt warm, knowing that out of all the women in the world he could've asked, Tommy chose it to be her. Usually, Eleanor steered clear from such likeness, but she didn't even help herself anymore. The man drove her crazy and she wanted him to be only hers despite all the shit he had done.

Eleanor met Tommy's rested eyes, the look new and yet nice on him. He managed to smile insincerely. "I don't think you'd be alive if he had," he joked before leaning against the doorframe, meeting her eyes so Elle glanced back at Pius, aware Tommy was thankful even if he hadn't even mentioned anything.

"You mean you wouldn't be alive, Tom," she sighed so Tommy rolled his eyes expressively and nonchalantly pointed to the floor, where shoe marks were left, the dirt on the floor making Elle a little bit irritated.

"Relax, he didn't even attempt to go upstairs. Look at the dirt he's brought here."

Eleanor disliked Tommy's condescending tone, trying to overhear his need to show her he was still superior to her before moving away to check on her brother, who had stopped snoring abruptly. Tommy watched Elle move away from him, trying not to stare too much since every second he wanted to catch her, kiss her, hold and love her. It was a damned feeling, one which made his usually cold head softer, and Tommy knew what softness caused him to do. Made him feel differently.

Love was a fickle emotion, but when he saw Eleanor check for Pius's vitals, the absurdity and yet the innocence of this woman he knew wasn't innocent made him smile like a lovesick fool. He tried to turn his head away when she glanced at him with a small glare for not helping her, but nothing slipped between Eleanor's fingers, or in that case, eyes. "You really thought he died?" he then joked, returning his amused blue eyes on the blonde, who stood straight after making sure Pius hadn't choked.

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