•part twenty-seven•

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The Garrison, Birmingham, 1919:

A N hour or so later, Eleanor found herself entering the Garrison, where the men had went to drink previously. She was busy home, preparing herself for Augustus or whatever was to come, only to get a call from Tommy, saying that Pius needed her at the Garrison since, apparently, the man had grown balls to ask Grace out on the date. The Irish girl refused, of course, after Tommy intervened and it left Elle's brother to dwell in alcohol and anger. Elle knew Tommy regretted doing so, especially since they had Kimber to throw down, but Pius was a grown man too so his anger and broken heart seemed to annoy Tommy to a point he called Elle to deal with him as if she was his mother.

Eleanor tried staying clear headed, aware why Tommy cut Pius off from Grace, perhaps the Shelby tried to get to Elle this way since she didn't want Pius to fancy or date the barmaid. Nevertheless, when she entered, she found Tommy pouring beer for his men next to Grace, the blonde uneasy and caught as if Tommy had truly gotten something out of her.

Upon seeing Tommy and Grace next to each other, Eleanor seeped in jealousy, but quickly dodged that petty emotion, aware things were different since when Tommy met her eyes, his gaze softened. "All right, mother's here," Eleanor commented sarcastically, which earned her a laugh from Arthur and a few other men before she focused on Grace with a slight glare and turned to Tom. "Where is he?"

"In the booth, weeping like a little girl," John laughed loudly but upon receiving a harsh glare from Elle, the male paused and knew better than to annoy Eleanor. The female then sighed deeply, gave Tommy an odd look and entered the private booth to find Pius drinking at the table by himself, drinking more than Tommy had ordered them to drink.

Upon seeing her brother this way, Elle's already terrible day turned worse so she sighed and he finally faced her when he heard sound. "Tommy called you, eh?" he asked dully, downing one shot of whiskey after another. "Told you to deal with me? That fucking bastard..."

Eleanor wasn't quick to stop her brother, letting him do what he pleased since she herself wanted to drink to the ground, feeling like the alcohol would numb the pain she felt. "Can you tell me what happened?" she then asked even if Tommy was quite generous in sharing exactly what had happened. Pius asked Grace on a date, but she declined, and before Pius could do anything else, try more, Tommy cut him off, laughed at him. Elle felt mad at Tommy for being this cruel to his friend, but she knew he was doing all of this in spite of Pius's protection since they had distrusted Grace before, but she felt also confused since he had told her she had to stop suspecting Grace.

"Oh, so now you're talking to me?" Pius chuckled, causing Elle to clear her throat when she remembered about the uncomfortable event that had happened where Pius unconsciously called her a whore and laughed at her. Pius then rolled his eyes, despite being angry himself, not wishing to make her feel this way.

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