The Royal Dinner

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I haven't described their clothes in detail or provided any pictures, but you can imagine appropriate chinese royal costumes on your own. I hope most of you have watched some Chinese costume dramas and can do so easily. I have planned to wrap this up as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience. 😅😅😅

The Wang family entered the Palace in the evening and was welcomed extravagantly.

The Palace was decorated with flowers and colorful lanterns and banners to welcome the guests.

The Queen hugged Lady Wang. "A-Ru, its been so long."

"Come on, its only been a week." Lady Wang said and the two laughed.

Everyone paid extra attention to Wang Yibo of course. But little did they know that he wanted the attention of only one person.

Xiao zhan stood at the end of the line. When his turn came," I hope you are fine, your highness." General Wang said.

"Yes, General Wang. All because of your son." He smiled at Wang Yibo.

"Oh, him? Don't thank him too much. You don't know what he's like yet." He said, side eyeing his son.

"Father." Wang Yibo said in a sort of warning. His parents had teased him enough at home about his grand entry, he didn't want them to start here too. He had a reputation to maintain after all.

"No, really. Thank you Commander Wang." Xiao zhan bowed.

"It was my pleasure, your highness." Wang Yibo bowed back. Xiao zhan looked devastating in his beautiful red robes. Yibo could only admire from far.

But he looked no less stunning in his dark green robes too. He had even wore a special head piece today.

The dinner was a short affair. At least for the two of them.

Wang Yibo ate all the dishes from Luoyang enthusiastically.

Must have missed his hometown, Xiao zhan thought. He also observed that Wang Yibo ate coriander leaves a little too much and barely touched spicy dishes.

He even burned his mouth tasting a Chonqing speciality and drank tea hurriedly to relieve it.

But it was too late. His face had already turned red.

Xiao zhan giggled and Wang Yibo just looked even more embarrassed. He really wanted to have a good image in the prince's mind.

Later, the King called them to discuss about the recent events. Xiao zhan, Yibo and his father followed him.

They entered the King's study and settled down.

He wanted to release those shooters, so that they reach the mastermind as soon as possible. But Wang Yibo found it all too simple.

"Your majesty, they will find out about it. We can't take the risk. This is our only chance." He said.

"Then what do you suggest, Commander Wang?" Xiao zhan asked.

"I think we should first spread the rumour that we caught the wrong people and then release them, keeping close eye."

"This way our opponent will think that his men are safe and are returning according to the plan. We can have an element of surprise in this case." Xiao zhan already approved of it.

"I like the plan. Yibo, you should stay with us for the execution. It will be easier to work from here." The King wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

"We mean, if you can. You have just returned home. Maybe you would like to spend some time with your family." Xiao zhan said. He still remembered his mother's words.

"Don't worry, your highness. He will be here first thing in the morning. We are already tired of watching him fool around the house." Wang Yibo's father declared. Everyone laughed loudly.

Father is definitely going to ruin my reputation in front of him. Wang Yibo thought with a frown on his face.

"Its fixed then. We will do as Yibo says." The King declared. "General Wang, I think he can replace you as a defense advisor already." The King was a far seeing man and he could see that Yibo was making rapid progress.

"I will be all too happy to give up my position, your majesty." Yibo's father smiled. He couldn't express how proud he felt.

"Allow us, your majesty. We hope to see you soon."

"Of course. A-zhan, see them out."

The next morning, Wang Yibo came to the palace and attended the court for the first time in almost a decade. All the ministers and officials greeted and congratulated him.

He was surprised to hear from so many people. He didn't think he deserved such high praise. In his opinion, whatever he did was not so great. But apparently, everyone thought otherwise.

In the court, the King discussed about general ruling issues and dismissed everyone early.

Yibo's plan was executed that very day. They would wait at least two days for the rumour to spread and then release the criminals. They knew they had to be careful because even though the attackers were just paid assassins, they were good at their job. If they ever suspected that they are being played, they would disappear and not be found ever again.

The King wanted to allot a special chamber to Yibo in the palace, which he declined and choose to stay at a small quarter near the soldiers' dorms. He didn't mind living in such a small space because it was already bigger than what they had at the northern border during wars.

So now he had two whole days to himself and nothing to do.

But his confusion vanished as soon as he saw his buddy from the border, Wang Yixuan.

Wang Yixuan left the border and came back three years ago but their friendship hadn't come down even a single notch. They exchanged letters frequently.

Yibo gave his friend a tight hug and then punched him in the shoulder for old days' sake.

"Ow! You ungrateful child. Have you already forgotten the small sweets I used to save for you, huh?" Wang Yixuan pretended to be in pain.

"Stop that ge. Just tell me what you are doing today. I am getting bored." Yibo didn't know what to do in this huge palace.

"I am going to train some new recruits today. Do you want to join? Or I could show you the Palace. You choose." They didn't have access to all parts of the palace of course, but even the general parts, the gardens, the courtyards and army area were worth visiting.

"Why can't we do both?" Yibo had two whole days to go without anything, so why not?

"Alright then didi, let's start with the training."

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