He's Gone

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Wang Yibo wanted to hear the prince say it himself. He was sure that what he felt was reciprocated, but then why this?? He had to make sure that they were on the same page.

He visited the Palace with the reason of discussing some border issues with the Prince, as soon as he recovered from the news. He had to be ready to accept whatever decision the prince had taken.

"Yes, Yibo. Its true. We are going to be engaged in two months."

Xiao zhan knew it would be painful, but he had a responsibility towards his kingdom which he couldn't ignore. He was sure that Yibo would understand it.

And Yibo did. "Alright then. Congratulations." He said sarcastically.

"Yibo..........Please don't." His throat ached due to unshed tears. "I know it's going to be difficult, but I don't have any other option. I have to do this." He couldn't look in Yibo's eyes directly.

"I'm sorry........... I understand." Yibo said in a small voice.

"Would you like to walk with me.... in the garden?" Xiao zhan asked. He wanted to spend some time with the other.


They walked around the garden for a while and eventually came in front of the peonies.

Wang Yibo looked at Xiao zhan, with eyes full of longing. Xiao Zhan's heart almost crumpled with the intensity of the look. He gently took Yibo's hand in his own.

They began walking again, hand in hand this time. Just in a few seconds, Wang Yibo's hold had become tight, almost strong enough to hurt the prince, but he controlled himself.

Now that he needed no excuse to stare at the prince, he never averted his eyes away the whole afternoon. Xiao zhan said nothing.

When they got back to his Chambers, Wang Yibo took his hand, turned it and kissed the inside of his palm.

The touch of his lips sent a shock through Xiao Zhan's body. He kept thinking about him the whole night.

Had he made the wrong decision?


He was supposed to check the weapon supply to the training camp today. He was near the training ground when he saw Wang Yixuan.

"Your highnesses." He bowed.

"Captain Wang." Xiao zhan knew about his friendship with Wang Yibo. It would be safe to ask him about the man's whereabouts. "I don't see your friend around. Where is he?"

"Oh, Yibo you mean? He's been... busy.


"Yes. He's actually just at home. I visited him the other day. He's fine."

Wang Yixuan knew not what was wrong with his didi, but he knew something was bothering him. As far as he knew Yibo, the boy would die before sharing his problem with anyone. And apparently, this time it was a huge issue since he refused to tell him too.

He knew Yibo had become close to the prince, maybe he knew something.

"Your highness, may I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Yibo's been...... weird. Perhaps, you know what's bothering him?"

"Weird? How?" Wang Yibo did a lot of weird things, what exactly was Wang Yixuan talking about?

"He's been very quiet. I mean he's quiet usually but not in front of me, you know. And I'm sure he has a problem that he refuses to even talk about. I was wondering if you have any idea about it."

Xiao zhan knew exactly what the problem was.

"I don't seem to have any right now. Maybe we could find out. Would you like to....... visit him?"

It had been over a week since he last saw Wang Yibo, he was sure it would make him happy if he visited his home.

"Of course, your highness. I would be glad to."

"Then, we will start as soon as you finish the training."

Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, they didn't have to go anywhere. General Wang came to the palace in the evening to deliver a letter.

"Yibo? I would like to inform his highness that he left."

"Left?What do you mean?" Xiao zhan asked, his heart in his throat.

"Left for the border. Yesterday."

General Wang was here to deliver a letter to Wang Yixuan, that Yibo had left for him.

Xiao zhan almost snatched the letter from him. It only stated that he was sorry for leaving early and that it was important. He didn't know when he would be back. Probably next year. Take care, Xuan ge.

Did he leave anything for the prince?
No. Not that the general knew of.

Xiao zhan bid them farewell and closed himself inside his chamber.

Muffled sobs could be heard throughout the night.

The next morning Xuan Lu asked if he had been crying. He told her no. He just slept very late.

He wasn't sad that Wang Yibo had made his decision, just that he didn't think it necessary to at least inform him about it.

Maybe it was for good, because he didn't know what he would have done if Yibo had told him that he was leaving. It wasn't like he had asked Yibo before deciding to get engaged.

He wasn't supposed to cry over lost love. He was going to be married in a few months.

He was a prince.

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