Come With Me

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Soon, evening rolled down. Xiao zhan was staring at the setting sun, thinking about Wang Yibo.

He would apologize for his behavior and take him back. He didn't know what they would do in the future, but he was sure that he wanted to be with him.

After a while, strong wind started to blow and clouds gathered above. It was going to rain. He went back to the camp.

He was sitting in his tent when he heard someone calling, "Commander!!"

He hurried out his tent to find him, but too late. Wang Yibo had already given instructions to everyone and made his rounds. His horse was galloping towards the village again.

"Li Wenhan!! Why didn't you tell me your commander was here??!" he had to shout because of the loud thunder. It had started to drizzle before a few minutes. The incoming storm impending.

"Apologies, your highness. I didn't know he was back!!!" He shouted back, holding an umbrella over the prince's head.

"Where's he going now? To that hut?" He asked.

"No, he visits Lady Min frequently for having dinner. Maybe he's going there. It's going to rain heavily, I don't think he will be back tonight."

Xiao zhan couldn't hear anymore. He ran towards his horse where it was kept inside a stable along with other horses and started after Wang Yibo.

Meanwhile, it had started raining heavily. He couldn't see the path in front of him clearly.

His head was filled with images of Wang Yibo feeding that woman, kissing her, loving her. He couldn't bear to see him with her. He needed to stop him right now.

Wang Yibo had covered a good distance already and was going at top speed, as if he couldn't wait to reach the village. It made Xiao zhan even more angry. He raced after him for a few minutes and got near enough to overtake.

Wang Yibo couldn't hear anyone following him due to the rain and his own fury.

Xiao zhan finally overtook him and turned his horse to face him. He looked at Wang Yibo with such intensity that he halted his horse immediately.

Xiao zhan slowly unmounted and stood in front of Wang Yibo.

He couldn't do this anymore. How much more would he have to suffer before everything was right?

He started crying. His knees gave up soon and he fell down. It hit extra hard because he was only in his under robes, which were soaked in rain.

He was sobbing loudly now, unable to control his emotions. He now perfectly understood Wang Yibo's reasons for leaving him. If he couldn't even look at him eating together with a woman, how could he expect the man to watch him get married to someone else and have kids with her??

He knew he had erred.

Suddenly, he felt Wang Yibo's arms around him, trying to lift him up. "Prince Xiao, please get up." He requested.

"No! I won't! You have to come back with me first." He started crying again.

"Prince Xiao! Please!" But he wouldn't budge. He had to do it now.

"Come with me!!!" He shouted, dragged Wang Yibo up and led him towards his horse forcefully by the arm.

"I will come on my own horse." Wang Yibo said, rainwater entering his mouth while he spoke.

"I don't trust you. What if you don't follow me, huh?!" He was not going to take any chances.

"Alright. I will be in the front, you follow me. Okay now??!" He shouted to be heard over the thunder. The rain was getting worse and worse and they were standing in the middle of a forest.

[Imagine Chongqi Path Scene]

Xiao zhan couldn't remember how they got back in such heavy rain, because all he thought about on the way back was claiming Wang Yibo once and for all. He never wanted to feel what he did tonight.

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