Little Home

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The next morning Xiao zhan woke up with intense pain in his back. He almost regretted doing it last night. The only comfort was Wang Yibo, whose arms were tight around him, keeping him warm.

Wang Yibo stirred when Xiao zhan moved, eyes slowly blinking open. He looked at Xiao zhan for a while as if trying to believe that he was really in his arms.

"Good morning." Xiao zhan said.

Wang Yibo finally recovered. "Good morning." He released Xiao zhan and sat up. Xiao Zhan did the same, only to wince in pain and lie back down.

"You can go back to sleep. I...... I will call a doctor?" He seemed hesitant.

"No." Xiao zhan said, just as he had thought. "Just get some medicines, if you can...... I mean, just ask someone for help." He didn't want to be seen like this by anyone, much less a doctor.


Wang Yibo didn't know who to ask. He went to the town in search of a doctor but ended up asking for help to his assistant. She was as good as the doctor and easier to talk to. She eyed him suspiciously as he had never talked about such things before, but just assumed that he had unintentionally hurt some virgin, which was true.

The next day, Wang Yibo was preparing to visit his little hut when Xiao zhan came inside his tent.

"Where are you going?"

"To the village."

Xiao zhan was turning to leave right then with a scowl on his face when he heard Wang Yibo add more.

"I am going to the hut. I haven't cleaned for long, it must have gotten dusty."

Satisfied with the answer, Xiao zhan gave a small smile, "Let me come with you."

"No, you should rest more. I will come back soon." But Xiao zhan wasn't concerned about that. He just wanted to accompany him.

"It's fine. I can go with you."

They went to get the horses when Xiao zhan suddenly realised that he wouldn't be able to ride for a while. They ended up walking.

The hut was indeed dusty. Wang Yibo cleaned it quickly and invited Xiao zhan in. It had a few clothes hanging from the wall, a pot of water, some small weapons and a wooden bed.

The painting of the white peony was hung on the wall near the bed.

Xiao Zhan spent some time looking around while Wang Yibo uprooted the unwanted grass, watered the plants and stored fresh water. In the evening, they went for dinner to a small tavern.

At night they lay on the small bed inside the tiny hut, staring at each other. After a while, Xiao zhan scooted closer and buried his head in Wang Yibo's chest, who only hugged him closer. The turmoil inside them couldn't be described in words.

The next day, Xiao zhan went to the market and bought all the things needed for cooking. He had heard from Li Wenhan that their commander couldn't cook to save his life. He accompanied the prince to the market and told him many other things about Wang Yibo.

He never talked or smiled unless necessary, only laughed with his close buddies like himself, didn't eat spicy food, is actually emotional, misses his parents and doesn't have a girlfriend.

That night, Xiao zhan cooked Wang Yibo's favourite dishes and they ate together with Li Wenhan.

The next morning they set out to resolve a conflict between traders. Being the commander, Wang Yibo was more or less the deciding authority in the border village.

It wasn't a huge problem as they had initially thought. A trader had purchased clothes from a man a couple of days ago without properly checking and when he unfolded them today, he found that most of the robes were torn. They were damaged goods.

The man who sold them had obviously disappeared, leaving no trail behind. Luckily, he had talked to some other traders too for selling, and unintentionally told them that he belonged to the nearby village.

Before the Sun set, they had captured him. But when they interrogated him, he started crying and told them that his whole village had drowned due to flood and all their things were in similar condition. They had no shelter over their heads, no food to eat and no money left anymore.

Both the prince and the commander were speechless. At the end of the day, they were the criminals themselves.

Xiao zhan sent a letter to the capital to send help immediately and some officials to look into the matter. All the flood affected villages were sent help every year. Someone above was obviously corrupted.

The next day, both of them visited the village personally to supervise the proceedings. The people there were so happy with the sudden turn of events and the arrival of the prince and the commander that they gifted them their specially hand made robes.

Both of them tried the robes on the very next day in their little hut. Wang Yibo's robes were violet colored and Xiao Zhan's white.

"Come here." Xiao zhan called Wang Yibo closer. He fixed the sleeves of the robes and adjusted them properly. Wang Yibo looked very handsome in them. Xiao Zhan had a sudden urge to kiss him. So he did.

He pushed Wang Yibo against the wall of the hut and slotted their lips together. After a little pushing and pulling, he started to move their clothes out of the way. When he tugged on Wang Yibo's outer robes, a flower fell down.

A white peony.

He looked at Wang Yibo curiously, who bent down to pick the flower up. Then he hesitantly placed it behind Xiao Zhan's ear and continued to stare lovingly at him.

Xiao zhan didn't know what to say. He pushed Wang Yibo down on the small bed and took off the rest of their clothes.

When Wang Yibo was inside him, he realised that they had gotten better than the first time. There was less pain and a lot more pleasure involved. Wang Yibo also knew where to hit now. He didn't miss a single time.

"Ahh!!!" Xiao zhan moaned out loud at a well aimed thrust.

"Don't shout, anyone can hear us. It's still day." Wang Yibo said, slowing his movements down.

"Why? You afraid they will know the commander is sleeping with the Prince?" He pulled Wang Yibo even deeper inside him, hands around his neck.

"No. Afraid that they will know the Prince is sleeping with the commander."

"The prince doesn't give a damn." Xiao zhan whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine.

After hearing that, Wang Yibo started thrusting so wildly that the whole bed moved, making Xiao zhan moan even louder and not caring if anyone heard them.

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