season 14 part 8:The Knight VS Fear

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Days ago

Liliana's lays on the ground the furniture having been moved to give them space as liliana's watches sweat drop on to the floor from her face

Y/n:are you done...

Liliana:no I'm not done Im just....

Liliana closes her eyes tightly as her hands form fists y/n looks at her

Y/n:just what

Liliana:I'm... Afraid .... I'm afraid I may not be worth all this trouble you agreed to teach me... And I'm failing you

Y/n smirks and leans down his hand now on top of Lilianas head as she looks up to him meeting his gaze

Y/n:your laugh at your fears once you've learned just how strong you really are

Liliana:I'll... Laugh at my fears

Y/n rubs her head as his hand feels gentle on her head she's never experienced this sensational before liliana's hands loosening up as her eyes are now fully on y/n's own

Y/n:You may not believe it now... But you already have everything you need to do this you haven't failed ...

Y/n smiles gently at liliana who looks at him her eyes becoming focused determined to not let y/n down

Y/n:there's power behind your eyes.... But it's up to you to learn how to bring it out

Liliana gains a look of motivation as she forces herself to her feet once y/n stands back up straight but not before looking at him the light from the window making him look like a hero in a fairytale

Y/ going to give you some advice... Something I had to learn myself... The only way you fail is if you give up

Liliana:right let's continue I'm ready

Liliana grabs her sword and readys herself as y/n chuckles


Y/n raises his own swords

Liliana:I'll show that your right I won't let you down.. One day I'll laugh at my fears and... I'll bring out that power you see in me I promise


Liliana chuckles as she watches the nightmares dissapear as she steps forward


Liliana rushes as nodt cutting him into pieces turning around seeing rukia had taken care of the Quincy's that had them surrounded

As nodt:I'll admit you almost had me

Liliana looks in shock before her eyes narrow

As nodt:but you can't get ride of fear that easily

As nodt is whole and laughing at Liliana who raised her sword

As nodt:well knight I'll ask you again... Are you afraid

Liliana:the way you keep saying that... Do you expect me to change my answer

Liliana moves forward as as nodt looks over to the tank Liliana immediately appearing in front of the tank along side rukia

As nodt:why so jumpy were you afraid I was going to do something to that tank

Liliana let's out a growl and begins walking forward as rukia stands directly in front of the tank

Liliana:if you so much as touch my king.... I'll be explaining to him why I felt the need to rip you in two

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