special mordred:the first attack

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This chapter is brought to you by me thinking about getting rid of this stupid special as I don't wanna do it enjoy I guess

Mordred and the Quincy girl are sitting at the park Mordred leans back her legs crossed and her hands I'm her pockets as she moves her head to look at the Quincy

Mordred:so in the end the soul reapers and the Quincy know just about the same amount and it ends up being the same thing

Mordred sighs to herself as she leans her head back and looks at the stars

Quincy girl:my apologize pri-

Mordred's head snaps at the Quincy girl causing her to jump

Quincy girl:I.. Mean I'm sorry Mordred

Mordred:well whatever we'll just have to figure this out as we go


As Mordred had gotten up to walk off something crashed into the park behind them leaving a crater

Mordred:what the hell

Mordred turns around quickly as spiritual pressure rains down on Mordred and the Quincy Mordred quickly swallows a soul candy as her soul leaves her gigai

Mordred:hey leave get back to karakura clinic

Soul candy:yes ma'am

The soul candy in Mordred gigai takes off running as the Quincy appears beside Mordred her bow ready to fire as Mordred unsheathes her sword

Seconds begin to tick by with nothing happening and soon the spiritual pressure disappears more seconds tick by with nothing happening


The ground underneath Mordred bursts open as chains wrap around Mordred as she is pulled straight down the Quincy leaps and grabs Mordred hand not letting her be pulled down into the ground until a what looks like a scythe stabs into the Quincy in the back as she let's go and begins coughing up blood Mordred is pulled underground as she looks up she sees

The ground underneath Mordred bursts open as chains wrap around Mordred as she is pulled straight down the Quincy leaps and grabs Mordred hand not letting her be pulled down into the ground until a what looks like a scythe stabs into the Quincy in...

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(Exepct no hollow hole)


Nnoitra:what the soul reapers didn't tell you newbies about me well whatever so long reaper girl

Mordred is pulled down into what looks like a cave


Mordred finally manages to get out of the chains as she turns to face who greeted her unfortunately it's to dark

Mordred:who the hell

Mordred stands up and see three random arrancar

Mordred:who the hell are you guys

One:truth be told we don't really have a name

Two:but we have a plan


Mordred:... What

The three fire ceros at Mordred who blocks but is sent right back up through the layers or dirt and into the sky as Mordred manages to separate herself from the ceros her sword drawn ready to fight as she waits for thirty minutes with nothing happening she lands on the ground and tries to find the arrancar

Mordred:this can't be right where the hell are they

Not sensing anything Mordred decides that helping the Quincy would be for the best so she managed to get her and take her to her grandfather

To be continued

Let me know what you think in the comments

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