season 14 part 12:yhwach vs aizen, ichigo and y/n

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Yhwach looks back to see who has stabbed him to see Ichigo standing there the illusions created by aizen fading

Yhwach:I see... So it was all a illusion then you should have never deactivated your power because now I'm going to use every last bit of mine.... To kill you all


Yhwach blasts Ichigo away as everything begins to shake


Before his words can finish a theater covers all of them as yhwach's power deactivates he looks over to y/n

Y/n:....emperor's domain.... I am the true king.... The limelight shines for me alone... Your powers yhwach... By my orders... Are no more

The darkness that covered yhwach and his allmighty leave him as y/n stabs Claudius into the floor of the theater right in the center taking his hand off the blade now all he has is caliber

Yhwach:damn you y/n kurosaki

Y/n:don't blame me.... You can see the future so you should have saw this coming

Yhwach:tell me something.... Why didn't you use this back then


Y/n lets out a laugh as he readys himself to below both himself and yhwach into dust

Flashback end

Y/ truth... ... It wasn't viable then..... It's simple... Your shaking of the worlds....and you not focusing in me allowed me to activate bankai and use it that's all but then... You had your guard up enough to do it even before I planned to blow us both up you kept your guard up.... But I had to try something... And if this wasn't viable

Yhwach:then blowing your self up was

Y/n:no more talking now it's just you and us .... A mad king... Against three death gods

Y/n raises caliber tightly in his hand as light glows around it

Y/n:I need to be quick with this... A few minutes of his power being taken is all I can do I just hope we kill him before he gets them back


A golden light shoots off of caliber as the blade changes into Excalibur

Y/n:...i can't use Excaliburs big blast in here.... But ... I can do something different

A golden light surrounds Excalibur as y/n readys himself

Y/n:LETS GO!!!

Y/n shoots towards yhwach who has to fight as he once did using his pendant to bring out his word as Ichigo joins his brother in charging yhwach aizen seems to stand back and begin to gather his power into his finger tips y/n appears on the left side of yhwach as Ichigo appears on the right both brothers going immediately on the offensive with quick attacks forcing yhwach to block those he can and to take those he can not block as y/n kicks yhwach in the gut Ichigo flips his blade downward as a getsuga begins charging as Ichigo moved to take off yhwach's head yhwach uses blut vein to block it

Yhwach:it seems... You've taken my Almighty... And my god like powers from me... But you couldn't take it all could you y/n..

Ichigo fires the getsuga as it breaks through yhwach's blut vein yhwach somehow manages to kick away Ichigo and uses his own body to send the getsuga flying upwards as it collides with the top of the golden theater causing it to shake giving yhwach the chance to go for y/n's legs causing y/n to jump up to avoid yhwach

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