a special for Mordred

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Mordred gets up from her bed now a teenager as she stands up and gets dressed today she'll be assigned a squad she leaves her room almost bumping into her brother but she avoids him as she puts her sword art her waist running down as a Quincy stands waiting and roles her eyes as Mordred runs last grabbing the toast on a tray


Mordred sticks the toast in her mouth as she runs to the throne room seeing her father about to enter it she runs into him full force hugging him before letting and rushing to Seireitei



Y/n shakes his head and walks it now the throne room as Mordred rushes towards Seireitei she meets ichika at the gate who came her to wait for here


Mordred smiles as she and ichika arrive at the gate and she already knows what squad she'll be going into having pulled her uncle Kenny's leg

Mordred is soon selected to be a member of squad 11 as she walks towards them and getting her uniform she walks back of stage as ikkaku tells her her mother wanted to see her

Mordred:thanks uncle baldy


Mordred laughs as she goes to her mother rukia looks at her and smiles hugging her proud of her daughter

Rukia:oh why couldn't you be a part of my squad

Mordred:because I want experience not to be babied I'm going to be just a strong as father is and then I'll work for a seat and get some leading experience

Rukia:*sighs* well it seems your father was right about something

Mordred:what's that

Rukia:that you would leave without letting him actually give you anything

Mordred:he had something for me

Rukia:he did he gave it to me to give to you

Rukia pulls out something behind her back Mordred can't tell what it is as it's wrapped up

Rukia:first get changed then you get this

Mordred quickly hurrys to a room she can change clothes in as she comes back to her mother


Rukia:I see that now here you go from your father

Mordred takes it in excitement as she unwraps it to see her fathers red coat the coat she wanted as a kid she smiles as she puts it on



Rukia smiles and gives her daughter one more hug before kenpachi walks by with his new squad members

Kenpachi:let's go kid

Mordred:right captan

Kenpachi sighs as Mordred smiles at him

Kenpachi sighs as Mordred smiles at him

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New reaper:hey she's kinda cute

Ikkaku kenpachi looks at him as he walks up to Mordred and trys to hit on her before Mordred looks back at him with a glare

Mordred:who the hell are you

Reaper:eh I'm

Mordred:more importantly who cares who you are

Reaper:but you asked

Mordred:whatever what do you want


Mordred grins

Mordred:fine I'm sure the captain will let us use the training grounds right

Kenpachi:do whatever you want


Mordred faces off against the reaper at the training grounds as he ikkaku swings his hands down giving the go as the reaper pulls his zanpakuto back and begins to charge Mordred as she pulls out her own and raises it before swinging it down as a red getsuga fires off it hitting the reaper and sending him flying

Ikkaku:winner Mordred


Mordred looks over at the men in the squad

Mordred:anyone else wanna hit on me

The men shake their heads as ikkaku and yumachika laugh at this kenpachi walks out

Kenpachi:... A new order has come some hollows have broken the treaty and wanna die apparently

Mordred looks at him

Kenpachi:so let's go move your asses


scene change squad eleven faces off against the hollows as they all jump into action Mordred taking out several as the fighting quickly ends Mordred looks to kenpachi who walks up to her and tells her good job Mordred gives a smile as she can't wait to go home and tell her father about the first day

Special end

just thought why not hope ya like  Mordred did above liked it

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just thought why not hope ya like Mordred did above liked it

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