special mordred in karakura

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Mordred stands in front of the urahara shop as she walks in


Mordred hears yoruichi bust out laughing as she can also hear kisuke say something not able to make it out before Mordred has to cover her ears as kisuke screams in pain before he walks out from the back with two black eyes and three scratch marks going across his face


Kisuke:don't worry I'll be fine

Mordred:actually old man... I was seeing if you had a gigai for me

Kisuke:*sigh*... Yeah I got one for you

Mordred:cool thanks

Kisuke:kids these days

Kisuke turns around and motions for Mordred to follow him as they walk into the back towards a room

Kisuke:it's in here and a pair of clothes with it

Mordred:cool I just hope the clothes aren't to girly

Kisukes eyes shoot wide as Mordred walks in... And then screams can be heard


Kisuke:the only other clothes I have that would fit you is a suit

Mordred:I'LL TAKE IT

Five minutes later

Mordred is standing at the front of the shop kisuke lays on the ground and yoruichi stands above him laughing as Mordred is adjusting the jacket

Mordred is standing at the front of the shop kisuke lays on the ground and yoruichi stands above him laughing as Mordred is adjusting the jacket

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(A/n:letting everyone know that the shirt doesn't cut off like in the picture)

Mordred:ya know when you said suit... I thought you meant a actual suit.... Not just back suit pants suit... And a leather jacket... Didn't these come with a jacket

Kisuke:well it did. . But


Yoruichi is sleeping as a cat as kisuke walks over to her with the suits jacket and wraps her up give seconds later kisuke has blood flying out from cuts on his face and the suit jacket is destroyed

Flashback end

Mordred:huh... Well whatever see ya

Kisuke:bye then

Mordred quickly leaves walking around karakura in her gigai hands in her pockets as she takes out a address

Mordred:first time I've really been here alone well at least I have grandpas address

Mordred continues to walk forward a bored expression on her face

Mordred:when I was given a mission I was kinda hoping for some exciting to happen so far it's been boring but I haven't really been here for long either

Taking a look at the address on the paper Mordred turns down a street seeing her destination Kurosawa clinic Mordred walks up to the door and goes to knock on it before side stepping a flying Isshin who lands on the concrete

Mordred:hey gramps I'll be up in my dad's old room tell me when dinner is k


Mordred walks into the house completely ignoring her grandfather and going up into her dads old room and looking around

Mordred:kinda small but it will do just fine

Mordred looks around with a smile until she sees a box underneath the bed


Mordred crouches down and pulls the box out from underneath the bed and opens it to reveal

Mordred crouches down and pulls the box out from underneath the bed and opens it to reveal

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Mordred:the hell is this.. A helmet

Mordred moves the thing around until she sees what looks like a explosive in the mask seeing this Mordred sets the helmet back in the box and gently pushes it back underneath the bed

Mordred:yeah fuck that but... If it was in here... Does that mean... It's dads...

Isshin:Mordred thought you'd... Ya know like to spend time with the family... Yuzu and Karin just got back so... Maybe come down and spend time with your aunts!!

Mordred sighs to herself

Mordred:leave it to that old moron to make me lose my train of thought if he thinks I'm going down there and letting him be all I'm a grandpa let me love my granddaughter here have some food you must be hungry here eat more what's that you want more I'll make cookies...wait is that a grandma...well whatever screw that I'm going out bet dad didn't have to deal with that


Mordred:*blush*..... Maybe... I could go for some food.... Damn it

Mordred pushes open the door

Mordred:I'm coming down if you don't have food I'm leaving

Yuzu:well it's a good thing I brought lunch

Mordred looks to the left seeing yuzu with a bag that smells suspiciously like burgers

Mordred:... Damn you stomach

Yuzu:hehehe you want some

Karin:it's not fair to torture her ya know

Mordred hangs her head

Mordred:.. Just... Just shut up and give me what's in the bag please

To be continued

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