Special Mordred:the end

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Y/n duck's underneath a attack from Sephiroth

Y/n:hes faster then what he was before

Y/n brings his swords up blocking Sephiroth's attack as the two stare at each other y/n pushes sephiroth back as fire shoots off from Claudius and
y/n sends the flames at sephiroth who dodges the attack as y/n unleashes his shikai now duel wielding as the two charge at each other y/n uses Claudius to block sephiroth's attack and attacks with caliber before being pushed back as sephiroth avoids the attack
y/n made with caliber


y/n's eyes narrow as he is pushed away from Sephiroth before he smirks and launching himself to the side as a giant red wave of energy hits Sephiroth head on consuming him y/n looks to the one who interfered to see his daughter winded after this attack her sword still has some red energy almost acting like smoke as she stands tall the smoke clears and Sephiroth turns to look at Mordred with a irritated look in his eye

Sephiroth:you are annoying

Mordred's response to this is one middle finger raised before she makes the come at me motion

Y/n:what is she doing

Y/n is about to stop sephiroth before he sees the look on mordred's face as she manages to block sephiroth's first strike and barely avoid the second

Claudius:is she Possibly trying to create a opening for us to destroy Sephiroth

Amaya:either that or she feels she has something to prove which wouldn't make any sense at all


The two other spirits look at caliber eyes wide

Caliber:she could be hurt we should help her

Mordred clashes with Sephiroth as she's putting in everything she has as Sephiroth still has a calm look that is until he notices Mordred gain a smirks Mordred manages to break the clash her sword sparking with red energy


The red energy shoots off of Mordred as she's surrounded in her energy like it's creating something around her once the light calms down Mordred stands tall in armor a smirks on her face as her sword is engulfed with intense energy

Mordred:COME ON

Mordred:COME ON

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Sephiroth scoffs as Mordred rushes him sephiroth blocks her strike as the red energy wrapped around her blade increases the attack potency pushing sephiroth slightly as his eyes widen Mordred takes her hand and grabs sephiroth's sword and then hea...

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Sephiroth scoffs as Mordred rushes him sephiroth blocks her strike as the red energy wrapped around her blade increases the attack potency pushing sephiroth slightly as his eyes widen Mordred takes her hand and grabs sephiroth's sword and then headbutts him as Sephiroth frees his hand he goes to swing at Mordred but is stabbed in the back looking back he sees y/n


Y/n:good job Mordred and your Bankai is really something


Sephiroth narrows his eyes and looks at Mordred who has run her sword through him

Mordred:thanks dad I was hoping I could show it to you under better circumstance though

Y/n smiles at this before both father and daughter unleash a blast of energy tearing sephiroth's body apart as father and daughter take a moment Mordred exiting her Bankai and breathing heavily

Y/n:you don't have much experience using your Bankai do you

Mordred smiles at her father while chuckling

Mordred:Nope .... But tell me dad... How did we win he was way stronger then I am so why

Y/n:who knows.....

Mordred:then...another question when did you realize i was trying to give you a opening

Y/n:it wasn't me it was Claudius


Mordred laughs hearing her fathers answers as the two look around feeling the fighting calm down

Mordred:so... Dad that Quincy you sent.... Could she stay for awhile... Having a partner may not be so bad

Y/n:well I guess


Time skip

Mordred is sitting in a chair as the Quincy wakes up

Mordred:hey you you're finally awake huh

Quincy:yes... How long was I

Mordred:long enough for Mordred the badass super awesome hollow slayer to take care of the problem

The Quincy chuckles at this

Mordred:so how do you feel

Quincy:I feel kinda weak but I'm ok

Mordred:well thats good gramps said you should make a full recovery urahara said the same after I made him check on you having those two around has its uses

The Quincy looks at Mordred

Quincy:I'm sorry I wasnt much use

Mordred:hey none of that you were great just caught by surprise but don't you worry cause I'll help with that because from now on we're partners

Quincy:we are

The Quincy looks at Mordred eyes wide

Mordred:Yep seems like it could be fun but first partner... Whats your name

Fran:my name is Fran

Mordred:well it's good to meet you Fran

Mordred holds out her fist as Fran looks at Mordred before sighing and then smiling as the two first bumb

Fran:you know a hand shake is what normally happens when two people introduce themselves

Mordred:this is better

Fran laughs as Mordred smirks

Time skip

4 months later

Mordred:I'm bored

Fran:we don't have any choice so please deal with this

Mordred:but I hate school

Mordred and Fran are on the roof of the school y/n and Ichigo went to wearing uniforms

Mordred:i can't believe i went back to soul society just to be sent back here whats up with that rouge arrancar mindless hollows how annoying

Fran:thats life isn't it

Mordred:i guess by the way could i copy off your work

Fran:what no

Mordred:Oh come on its fine

Fran looks at Mordred with a raised eyebrow

Mordred:come on Fran as your best friend i beg of you to let me

Fran:you ..... *sigh* don't tell your parents i got in trouble last time I let you do this

Fran hands over her work as Mordred smirks

Mordred:you're the best Fran

The two friends just sit there and talk before its time to go back to class once the school day is over they spend time wondering karakura town looking for anything interesting

The end

Let me know what you think in the comments

Rushed I know but I couldnt completely remember what I wanted to do with this and I didn't want to leave it unfinished so here we go

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