trailer special?

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Mordred rushes home to her family

Mordred:father I have a mission I'll be stationed in human world

Y/n:is that right well bring me back a souvenir alright

Y/n pats his daughters head giving her a small soft smile as she returns if

Mordred:you've got it

Scene change

Mordred is in human world bored out of her mind

Mordred:man this is boring... Why did all the exciting stuff have to happen before I was born...

Spiritual pressure rains down on Mordred as fights begin to appear all over Karakura

Mordred what's happening so much as once Mordred eyes widen as she dodges a sword that almost impailed her before being back handed by a wing into a building getting out of the rubble Mordred looks to her attacker not seeing him but is surrounded by dead espada

Mordred:I shouldn't have wished for anything

Mordred unsheathes her sword and begin to attack but soon enough she is beaten by the number of enemy's

Mordred:damn this

Mordred eyes widen as she is grabbed by the head

???:this girl seems strong I'm sure her soul will taste great for the boss

Mordred head is being squeezed as she struggles to get free before a blast knocks her free and forces the attackers to go flying into the pavement

???:who the hell gu... No way

Their eyes go wide as the stare at who attacked them there floating in the sky with Mordred in his arms stands y/n


Mordred soon losses consciousness

Scene change

Y/n stands tall over the body's of his daughters attackers as he dodges a attack that can from behind him his eyes widen as black feathers fall from this being



Thoughts  as in let me know what you think In the comments please
If it's liked enough I'll actually do this let's see shall we

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