special rukia and y/n's day out

810 9 7

Taking place shortly after Mordred and is shining turned 8

Y/n and rukia have arrived in human world rukia had won a contest that y/n wasn't even aware of to get a day and night alone with y/n and got to leave the kids with Liliana

Y/n:...ok what are we doing

Rukia begins to laugh placing her hands on her hips a cocky look appearing in her face

Rukia:I worked hard we're going to go the a festival then what is known as a concert and finally we're be staying in a hotel

Y/n:...i have work to do though and your a captain is it really ok to run off and have fun

Rukia:don't be like that it took me forever to get this day off

Rukia says this while getting in y/n's face causing y/n to raise his hands in defence and back up but rukia just steps closer continuing about the needs of days off until her watch begins beeping grabbing y/n's wrist rukia takes off running dragging y/n along both do not notice the couple that just watched them

Senna:was that rukia and y/n

Ichigo:looks like it

Senna:let's follow em

Ichigo furrows his eyebrows


Senna:because it will be fun COME ON

Ichigo:if we're going to follow them don't you think you should be quite

Senna covers her mouth


Ichigo rolls his eyes and chuckles

Once rukia arrives at her destination she let's go of y/n's wrist looking at where they are y/n sees it's uraharas shop

Y/n:let me guess gigais

Rukia:well your body acts as a gigais thanks to kisuke so yep

Y/n sighs as they both walk in and get into them

Y/n:jeez this is uncomfortable

Rukia slaps y/n's chest a Sly smirk on her face

Rukia:need to break it in some

Y/n:yeah I think two kids is enough

Rukia:i... Fine... How about a massage then

Y/n:don't you have issues first getting into your gigais first

Rukia:then you can massage me first

Y/n smirks giving a small bow and then standing straight up spinning rukia around and massaging her

Kisuke who is in another room chuckles when he hears a crack and rukia scream about being to rough and the sound of a punch

Yoruichi:he is going to be in so much trouble for that

Kisuke:oh yeah

Kisuke takes a sip of tea laughing at the sounds of more punches

Yoruichi:I don't see why your laughing you're not much better


yoruichi:or maybe I just got used to you never learning and will just take what I can get

Kisuke hangs his head in defeat

Time skip

Rukia and y/n are at the festival as rukia looks around in amazement Senna looking at them from a hiding spot with a spyglass

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