The Truth Unfolds

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(Flash back to Yesterday)

At Revocs Incorperated

Ragyo Kiryuin was sitting down in a massive office while drinking some tea that her obedient servants had made. She was also reading some newspapers about any news that would be of concern to her.


Well... That was until a familiar someone crashed through one of the giant windows that was in the room. Ragyo just continues to sip her tea like nothing had happen. "I've been expecting you... Nui." Said the woman with a cold stare at the petite blond. Nui was currently panting deeply, her chest was bleeding profusely and was having trouble regenerating from the punch (Y/n) gave her, remember.

"W-What... What just happened?" Asked a rather dazed Nui as she looked up at Ragyo. "Don't tell me that (Y/n) boy has knocked some of your memory too?" Giggled the tall voluptuous woman. Nui stared up at the ceiling she crashed through, "(Y/n)... *grins maliciously* I like that boy a lot Lady Ragyo." Stated Nui with a rather killer aura. "I could see you take an interest in him Harime. But you should really heal that wound he's given you, you don't want to be passing out on the dirty floor now, would you?" Asked Ragyo in a rather authoritative manner.

Nui nods her head in agreement, "I suppose not, but I'll be thinking about (Y/n) all night. That boy really is an eye stopper~" Smiled Nui, eyes closed as she made her way out of the room, as Ragyo finished her cup of tea. "Miss Ragyo?" One of Ragyo's servants then walks into her office. She turns to him with her innocent, yet evil eyes of hers. "Yeeees?" She answered innocently. "Miss Satsuki is here, as per your request." Stated her servant. "Ah, thank you. Tell her to meet me by the grand bathhouse. I'll be there waiting for her." Stated Ragyo as the servant nodded and left.

Ragyo just stares out to the now starry night with a giant smirk on her face. "I've finally found you (Y/n)... and I won't let you get away again."

(Back to present day)

(Y/n), Ryuko, Mako, Mikisugi, and Tsumugu were standing by a large body of water. Mikisugi looked more almost naked as usual, and the purple light that radiates against his privates is starting to annoy you. "She got us." Stated Mikisugi stating the carnage from their previous battle. "But we escaped with our lives." Stated Tsumugu with his arms crossed. "Yeah... You're right. Ryuko, (Y/n). You both did a great job fighting Satsuki to a draw. Well done." 

(Y/n) just raised his eyebrow at Mikisugi, "You're kidding right? I could have beaten her, if it weren't for that girl interrupting our fight at the last minute." This then sparked something in Ryuko's mind. "Hey... You still haven't talked to me about that! Why is she still after you? Also, how could you agree to fighting Satsuki and not be bothered to tell me about it?!" Shouted a rather annoyed Ryuko, staring her her boyfriend. "For your first question, your guess is as good as mine. I could feel her blood lust from a mile away. As for you second question, you would've rushed out to Honnouji Academy and tried to fight her again. Then again... you were upset and almost killed me during your rampage that one time." Stated (Y/n) with his finger raised.

Ryuko pouted and glared at (Y/n), "Still... you could have at least-" Ryuko was interrupted by Mikisugi as he started to walk away. "Ryuko, let's go." This confused Ryuko, "Wait where are we going?" 

"Satsuki hit the nail on the head. The tides have turned. There's no reason to keep secrets any longer. It's time I exposed everything to you. Especially you (Y/n)." This made everyone turn to (Y/n). "What are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked furrowing his eyebrows. "You'll see." Said Mikisugi. As they all began to move, Mako blurted out, "WAIT A MINUTE!" (Y/n) jumped slightly at Mako's sudden outburst. Her eyes were widen and she was super shocked right now. "We're you actually Mr. Mikisugi this entire time?!" Mikisugi smiled, "Yes I was. You've just never seen me like this before." (Y/n) just shook his head, "Mako, you sure the blue hair didn't make it kinda obvious that it was Mikisugi?" He stated with a sweat drop forming beside his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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