Relaxation Day Part 1/2

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Ryuko was currently watching over the sleeping (Y/n). She stared at his bandaged body. "What seems to be the problem, Ryuko?" Asked Senketsu. "I...I don't know." Ryuko replied honestly. "You really care for him, don't you?" Asked Senketsu. "Yeah." Nodded Ryuko as she stared at him. 

Ryuko P.O.V

I couldn't help but wonder what happened. I couldn't help but sigh as I place a hand on his arm, "You idiot, you worried me." I tell him blushing heavily. As I unintentionally held his hand. "I already lost someone important to me, and I won't lose another," I tell him.

"I didn't know you liked (Y/n)?" I quickly turn around to see Mako. "M-Mako?!?! D-Don't do that!" I shouted at her. "Since when did you have feelings for (Y/n)?" Mako asked me with suggestive eyes. "W-W-What?!?! I-I-I d-don't h-have feelings f-for this i-i-idiot!" I shouted pointing to (Y/n) with a huge blush.

"Don't lie Ryuko, I saw the way you look at him behind his back." Said Mako teasingly. "I-I-I don't k-know w-what y-your t-talking about." I stuttered with my arms crossed. "Sure you don't hehe." Giggled Mako.

"W-What ya w-want M-Mako?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Come and eat, you haven't eaten in days since (Y/n) hasn't woken up." Mako said worried for her. "I'll be fine." I tell her as my stomach growled.

A Month Later/ (Y/n) P.O.V

I sat up on the bed I seemed to be laying on. I looked around to see I'm in another home. Suddenly the door opened and I saw Ryuko. "Sup, drifter." I waved to her as Ryuko stood they're stunned. "Um, hello earth to- GAH!" I yelped in surprise as Ryuko tackled me into a hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that again!" Ryuko shouted as tears threaten to drop from her face. I wipe the tears from her face and smile. "It's cute that you worry about me." I tell her my hand on her cheek. Ryuko's teary eyes widen when I pulled her into a hug. 

Ryuko hugs me tightly as we stay like this for a few minutes. Suddenly there was a flash. Ryuko and I turn to see Mako with a camera. "That one's a keeper." Said Mako with a giggled. "I'LL KILL YOU MAKO!!!" Shouted Ryuko as she chases Mako.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Never change mako." I whispered to myself. I forced myself up as I winced in pain a bit. I slowly make my way to the other room. "Ahh, (Y/n) it's good to see your doing well." Said Sukuyo with a smile. "Thanks Mrs. M" I tell her.

"Oh please call me Sukuyo." She tells me. "Okay Sukuyo." I said. "Come sit, dinners almost ready." announced Sukuyo as I nodded. I made my way to the kitchen and sat down. After a bit everyone showed up but Ryuko. "Ryuko are you sure you don't want to eat?" I asked her.

"I'm good." Waved off Ryuko as her stomach growled. I giggled at her as Ryuko had her hand on her stomach blushing. "C'mon you." I said as I dragged Ryuko to the table. As we began to eat I noticed Ryuko wasn't eating anything.

"You okay Ryuko?" I asked her. She didn't respond she only placed her hand a top mine. Suddenly an Idea popped in my head. "Light bulb." I said to myself as I grabbed one of Sukuyo mystery croquettes. "Ryuko say aww," I tell her as I held the croquette on my fork and hand under it. 

Ryuko looked at me and blushed. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth, as I began to feed her. This went on for a while as I smiled at the blushing Ryuko as I feed her. Once she was full I placed a hand a top her head, "Come with me I want to show you something." I tell her as I walked away.

Normal P.O.V 

Ryuko and (Y/n) were currently walking down the street of honnouji. "(Y/n) where are we going?" Ryuko asked him. However, (Y/n) swayed from left to right. As they were walking they walked into a park with people walking.

"Um, (Y/n) why'd you bring me to a park?" Ryuko asked they boy with a raised eyebrow. "Ryuko, do you trust me?" (Y/n) asked her. "Yeah, why?" Ryuko asked confused.


"La la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la, ooh
I'mma sing it again, sayin'
La la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la, hey, mm"

(Y/n) walks up to Ryuko, and places his arm around her shoulders.

"It's your eyes, I swear it's looking me and I hear melodies
Sweetest melodies
Mix it with your smile, babe
Come together for the perfect harmony
Prettier song there'll never beNow, ain't got no game, babe"

When (Y/n) sung the word Now he grabbed Ryuko's hands and spinned her.

"Ain't got no game
But, ain't got no shame
Ain't got no shame
And I don't know what it is
When I hear your nameSuddenly I just gotta say"

The Two began to dance as everyone in the park stared at the two.

"You make me wanna sing another love song
Loud enough for everybody to hear
You make me wanna sing another love song
And it started from the day you appearedYou make me wanna sing, ooh"

As they danced other people joined them, dancing with their own partners.

"You make me wanna sing, ooh
Girl, you make me wanna sing
You make me wanna sing another love songIt's your mouth, girl when you smile
I know you're smiling just for me"

(Y/n) dips Ryuko and winks at her as he spins her yet again.

"Nobody but me girl
Say the word babe
Anything you want that's what it gonna be
I promise that's what's it gonna be I ain't got no game, babe
Ain't got no game
But, ain't got no shame, babe"

(Y/n) lets go of Ryuko and begins to break dance.

"Ain't got no shame
And I don't know what it is
When I hear your nameOoh, suddenly I just gotta say
You make me wanna sing another love song
Not enough for everybody to hear"

Ryuko laughs at (Y/n) as he and a few other males joined him in dancing

"You make me wanna sing another love song
And it started from the day you appearedYou make me wanna sing, ooh
You make me wanna sing, ooh
Girl, you make me wanna sing
You make me wanna sing another love song"

Ryuko and the other girls begin to break dance together in sync.

"Sing it with me, say
La la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la, ooh
I'mma sing it again, say
La la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la
If you love somebody sing it with me
La la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la"

Both (Y/n)'s and Ryuko's group joined together and began to dance.

"Girl, you make me wanna sing another love song
Loud enough for everybody to hear
You make me wanna sing another love song
And it started from the day you appeared"

Ryuko and (Y/n) join hold hands and dance.

"You making me wanna sing
You make me wanna singSaid, you make me wanna sing, yeah
You make me wanna sing another love song"

(Y/n) spins Ryuko one last time and dips her. As the crowd cheered for them. Ryuko couldn't help but laugh the whole time. "Your just full of surprises aren't you?" Ryuko asked (Y/n) with a giggle. (Y/n) kissed Ryuko on the cheek stunning her with a blush. "And there's many more to come." Said (Y/n) as he walked off.

Leaving a blushing Ryuko, whom seemed to have a bit of a smile on her face. 

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