Friendly "Spar"

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"Satsuki...Let's get this over with." (Y/n) simply said to himself. As the text message read, "I need a favor." After a good ten minutes or so, you eventually walked towards the front of the school, in which you see many students working hard to rebuild all damaged walls and structures. Walking right passed them, you went inside and took the elevator to reach the top of the academy. As the elevator was going up the tall tower, (Y/n) sighed as his face went into a neutral expression. "What does the queen have in store for me." 

You could hear a ding, signifying his stop has arrived. He walked right inside the hallway of the tower. The cool breeze of the air conditioning filled his face. There was a Two-Star student, probably a security guard of sorts, who spotted you and halted you. "Hey! Who are you! State you business here!" Shouted the Two-star student. You simply rolled your eyes and stated "Satsuki was expecting to see me?" Before the the Two-Star could speak someone spoke up in response. "He shall be correct. Looking behind him, Satsuki was there with a giant smirk on her face. The Two-Star quickly bows and stutters out, "M-my apologies Lady Satsuki! I wasn't expecting a guest by you." He spoke rather nervously. "It's alright. Go ahead and head back to your guarding station." Satsuki ordered lightly. 

"Yes, right away Lady Satsuki!" The guard then quickly marched off to who knows where. Once she knew you were both alone, Satsuki turned right back towards you with a calm, but oddly excited expression. "So, where are we doing this?" You asked simply with your arms crossed. "Not here. The students of Honnouji Academy are fixing up the damages to the school like bees in a beehive." Satsuki simply stated. You gave her a rather quizzical look, "So where are we going then?" 

"Follow me, I have a private helicopter for us to take." Satsuki said as she turned around and walked away. You noticed the slight sway in Satsuki's hips as she walked away. "Hmm,....well alright then." You said as you followed Satsuki's lead. She eventually lead you outside of the top floor with Two-Star students in two lines, bowing towards the both of you. The helicopter was already about to take off, and Satsuki's personal butler was awaiting for our arrival. 


The old butler smiled upon seeing Satsuki, "Ah, Miss Satsuki. Looks like you have located and taken Mr. (L/n) with you." You chuckled lightly and politely waved at him, "Just (Y/n) is fine." The old man stared at you for a bit and shrugged it off, "I see. Well anyways, are you ready to leave?" Satsuki agreed with a hum. "Ready as I'll ever be I suppose." You said with arms crossed. "Then take a seat. I have a fresh cup of tea for the both of you." Said Suroi with a smile.

The tea Suroi gave you was very sweet, but quite enjoyable too. The trip was silent apart from the helicopter blades whooshing in the air. And the occasional banter you spoke out as you drank Suroi's tea. You're first reaction to drinking the Butler's tea made you say the phrase, "Have mercy~." Which made Satsuki giggle at your reaction. The ride took about fifteen to twenty minutes before you both reached your destination. 


However upon getting closer you could have sworn you noticed some rainbow light coming from some of the windows of the building. You're mind immediately flashed to images of the woman with rainbow hair, the one who killed your mother. But before you'r mind could go into panic mode the helicopter safely lands onto the landing pad, snapping you out of it, as Suroi escorts you out. "Please be safe, Miss Satsuki." Spoke the butler with worry.

"Don't worry. This shouldn't take long. You may leave." Smiled Satsuki slightly to the old man. "Thank you. I bid you farewell. You too (Y/n)." Smiled Suroi to the boy in question. "Thanks for the tea by the way, loved it." Smiled (Y/n) at the butler. "It was a pleasure." Smiled Suroi as he then gets back onto the helicopter with a warm smile and takes off, leaving both you and Satsuki alone. You took a deep breath in and let it out as you turned to Satsuki. "So where are we going?" You asked again with raised eyebrow. "Follow me." Was all Satsuki said as she leads you into another elevator. Although as you made your way to another elevator you couldn't help but notice the sway in Satsuki's hips again. "What the heck are you planning she can't...hmm." You thought to yourself.

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