Bonding Time

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Both Ryuko and (Y/n) charged toward the Mystery Girl. The Mystery Girl unleashed a wave of green energy. Ryuko quickly blocked with her scissor blade, wheres (Y/n) jumped out the way. Unbeknownst to (Y/n), the mystery girl was behind him. "(Y/N), LOOK OUT!!!" Shouted Ryuko as (Y/n) is kicked in the back towards Ryuko.

(Y/n) crashes into Ryuko, both falling into the ground. (Y/n) opened his eyes only to blush heavily. (Y/n)'s face was in between Ryuko's boobs. Before Ryuko could notice what happened, (Y/n) quickly grabbed Ryuko and dodged an attack from the mystery girl.

"How the heck is she this fast," Ryuko shouted annoyed. "The real question is how we'll beat her." Said (Y/n) as he stood up. The girl and (Y/n) charged at each other. The two began to exchange powerful blows to each other. The two punched each other in the face sending themselves away.

(Y/n) shook his head and lunged toward the girl. The girl did the same however she didn't notice Ryuko sneaking up on her. The two clashed with one another once again however this time Ryuko slashed the girl from behind. The girl winced slightly giving (Y/n) and opening.

(Y/n) quickly punched her in the stomach. Ryuko began to slash the girl once she fell to her knees. "FINAL SLASH!" Shouted Ryuko as she slashed at the girl sending a wave of red energy at her. The girl dodged the attack. "WOAH!!!" Shouted (Y/n) as he jumped out the way. 

The girl stood atop the stadium, breathing heavily as her left eye was closed shut. She growled and jumped away. (Y/n) sighed as his white aura disappeared. (Y/n) noticed a flash and turned around. (Y/n) quickly runs and catches Ryuko as she passes out. 

"Ryuko! You okay!" (Y/n) asked, Ryuko's eyes closed. Her uniform also had its eyes well "eye" closed. "Mako already left, so I guess I'll take her home with me." (Y/n) says as he makes his way toward his home. Carrying Ryuko bridal style. 

As (Y/n) was walking a few people were staring at him weirdly. After a few minutes, he makes it to his home. (Y/n) lays Ryuko on his bed. (Y/n) sighed as he walked into the kitchen. He had his hands on the kitchen counter. "Who the hell was the girl?" He thought to himself.

(Y/n) sighed as he walked up to his roof. (Y/n) sat down on his roof and closed his eyes. "Inner peace." He whispered to himself. White flames appeared around his body as his (H/c) hair began to float slightly. 

Ryuko's P.O.V

I was surrounded by darkness. I turn around to see (Y/n) surrounded in white flames. Then in front of him was the mystery girl with green flames around her. I watched as the two clashed, emitting a bright light. Once the light died down I saw (Y/n) on the floor crawling towards me.

I felt something wet crawl down my face. "Am I crying?" I thought to myself as I witness the mystery girl walking toward the crawling (Y/n). I tried to get up and help him, but I felt something sharp and cold touch my neck.

I look behind me slightly to see a dark figure with the other half of the SCISSOR BLADE!!! "Watch your friend die in agony!" The figure shouted moving my face to see (Y/n). (Y/n) held out his hand to me, "I'm S-sorry." 

What I saw next mortified me. Or for a lack of a better term was very gruesome. The mystery girl grabbed (Y/n) by the head and began to crush it slightly. "GAHH!" Shouted (Y/n) in pain. I then witness the girl lift (Y/n) up in the air and bring him down on her knee hard.

I heard a loud cracking noise as I saw (Y/n) cough up blood. (Y/n) stared into my eyes and mouthed "Run," as the mystery girl grabbed his head and forced his skull and spine out of his body. His blood sprayed onto my face as I couldn't do anything but watch.

I wanted to scream, but my body wouldn't let me. All I could do was cry streams of tears. The mystery girl dropped (Y/n)'s decapitated head right in front of me. I felt my body shake as I stared into (Y/n)'s now soulless eyes. Then a black boot crushed the head in front of me. 

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