Run Off Elections Part 3

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A whistle blows, and Nonon raises her pink baton high into the air. She calls out for the Marching Band to lend her aid. "Entrance March! Under the Double Eagle!" She shouted as her and the entire team of musicians started their line of music while walking down their flight of stairs. Ryuko stares in shock and confusion, while (Y/n) watched holding his signature coffee mug, filled with questionable liquid.

"She really knows how to make a cheery entrance." Stated Senketsu. "You can say that again." Said (Y/n) as he took a sip from his coffee mug. "Where are you getting the coffee mug from!" Shouted Ryuko in annoyance. "I have my ways, love~" whispered (Y/n) into Ryuko's ear. Thus sending a chill up her spine, as she reeled back with a heavy blush.

Finally, Nonon stands a couple meters between Ryuko and (Y/n) giving them a confident smirk. "Sorry for the wait, transfer students. This won't be like those clumsy fights you've had earlier. Prepare to be pummeled cheerfully, jauntily, and utterly one-sidedly!" Spoke Nonon with a smile. "Hmm, intriguing. I'd like to see you try, pinky." Said (Y/n) as he took a sip from his mug.

Surprisingly that remark ticked off Nonon. Her eye started twitching and her pupils showed signs of murderous intent? "Uh oh." Thought (Y/n) with a slight gulp as he hid behind Ryuko. Nonon began to laugh darkly, as a menacing dark aura appeared around her body.

"We'll see what happens to you after THIS PERFORMANCE!" Shouted Nonon in a flash of bright light, Nonon transforms her Goku uniform. This however was a slightly different Uniform than anyone you seen before. "Holy..." Began Ryuko, "Shit." (Y/n) finished for her.

"Behold transfer students! This is my Three Star Goku Uniform: Symphony Regalia Grave!" Shouted Nonon as she was now inside what looked like a heart shaped Tank with speakers.

Three Star Goku Uniform: Symphony Regalia Grave 

"Oh god the letters are back, Also what the heck is inside my mug?" (Y/n) asked himself as he stared at the contents inside his coffee mug. "In what world is that a Uniform?!" Shouted Ryuko staring at Nonon's so called "Uniform". "I get better sound quality this way. First song..." Nonon began as she raised her baton up high. "Light Calvary Overture!" She shouted.

"She's going to fight us with music?" Ryuko asked questionably. "Hmm, this should make things interesting." Said (Y/n) as his coffee mug was now no longer in his hand. "This music is so loud I can't even think straight!" Wined Senketsu. "Then let's finish this quick, Life Fiber Synchronize Kamui Senketsu!" Ryuko shouted as her uniform began to transform.

"Let's rock this joint!" Shouted (Y/n) as the white aura surrounded him once again. The both of you charged right for Nonon. Before either could get close to her, the speakers to her tank literally blasted the both of you with sound waves so strong you both were flung back across the field.

"Ugh...ow." Groaned Ryuko as she rolled over onto her stomach. "That, was unexpected." Said (Y/n) who was laying on his back. "The bass really reverberates, doesn't it? Next up is a really SHARP performance!" Shouted Nonon as she began to send literal, physical music notes at the two of you. 

(Y/n) quickly got up and lift both his hands at the notes, as each finger tip began to glow (F/c). "Like hell you will!" He shouted as he began to shoot (F/c) orbs of light out of his fingertips. Nonon's Musical notes and (Y/n)'s orbs of light collided with one another, exploding upon impact of each other. 

As (Y/n) began to shoot the music notes Nonon was just cackling maniacally while he was sweating a bit from the struggle of holding the notes back. (Y/n) clenched his teeth as he glared at Nonon, "This lady's nuts!" He thought to himself. "Dance Transfer students, DANCE!" Shouted Nonon with a evil laugh.

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