Tri-City Tyranny

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"So...It was Harime, wasn't it?" Asked Mikisugi (Y/n) and Ryuko's teacher. "Yeah." Agreed (Y/n) his arms crossed. Both Mikisugi and (Y/n) were chatting in his office while Ryuko was still passed out from earlier. (Y/n) was stressing out over the fact that Ryuko was attacked without him sensing any immediate danger. (Y/n) clenches his fists, "I was suppose to be there in her time of need, and I wasn't and she was attacked because of it. What kind of boyfriend am I?" The (H/c) haired teen asked with his head low. 

"Hey now, don't beat yourself over it. Unexpected things like that happen all the time, you shouldn't blame yourself for not knowing." Said Mikisugi in an attempt to cheer (Y/n) up. Said boy only shook his head, "I know but-" Before he could say any more, Ryuko shouts out "SENKETSU!" (Y/n) slightly jumped due to Ryuko's sudden outburst. She finally woke up, but she had fear in her eyes, while also wearing nothing but her blue and white stripped panties and bra. "Jeez, how many times does your boyfriend have to save you after you pass out?" Asked Mikisugi as he fixed his glasses. "H-Huh?" Ryuko asked confused looking at both (Y/n) and Mikisugi. "Hey Ryuko. Glad to see you're awake." Smiled (Y/n), but the moment was ruined when Mikisugi asks, "Have you ever thought of changing careers and becoming a Nudist like me-" Before he had the chance to say anything else, Ryuko pointed her Scissor Blade at his neck. "Keep spouting that nonsense of yours and I'm going to kill you." Threaten Ryuko as she slowly pressed her blade further into Mikisugi's neck.

(Y/n) moves towards Ryuko and softly holds her shoulder, "Ryuko, let's calm down here." He gently spoke to her while giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Ryuko was silent, she only stared at Mikisugi then toward (Y/n)'s pleading eyes until finally sighing and lowering her blade. "Thanks Babe." Smiled (Y/n) as he gave Ryuko a kiss on the cheek. This caused Ryuko to blush, "Y-You're lucky that (Y/n) was here with me, otherwise I would've knocked your lights out in a heartbeat." Said Ryuko while glaring at Mikisugi and leaning on (Y/n). "I'm grateful for that, Anyways, who took you out?" Asked Mikisugi knowing the answer already. "It was Nui Harime. Nagita was Nui." Responded Ryuko as she snuggled onto (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Hmm, so it was true..." Mikisugi said to himself while rubbing his chin. "W-Wait, you found me unconscious, dressed like this?" Asked Ryuko slightly flustered. Mikisugi shook his head, "Not me, but him." He said while pointing at (Y/n). 

Ryuko turns to (Y/n) as he was chuckling nervously, "Yeah...I've sort of just lost it and punched Nui a sent her flying. She lured me to you as Nagita, and I guess tried to ambush me." Mikisugi looks at (Y/n) with a surprised expression, "So that was the sound I heard earlier. Jeez, you do pack quite the punch kid." Complimented Mikisugi. (Y/n) merrily shook his head, "Oh trust me, that's nothing compared my full strength." Ryuko was currently clutching onto her bed sheets, still slightly upset. "Hey, What's wrong Ryuko?" (Y/n) asked now worried for his girlfriend even more. "It's just...I can't believe I lost Senketsu...And to Nui Harime to all people!" Yelled Ryuko as a Tears start to fall down her cheeks. "....Right." Replied (Y/n) as he listened to what Ryuko had to say. "He was sliced to shreds by her. I couldn't pull up any strength to fight her and lost him because of it." Said Ryuko as a single tear drop falls onto her clenched fists.

Suddenly a familiar voice spoke out, "Not completely, Ryuko.". She turns towards (Y/n) with eyes widen, only to return to normal when she thought she was hearing things. "(Y/n), if you're trying to cheer me up my impersonating Senketsu, then it's not gonna work." (Y/n) couldn't help but smirk, "You know Ryuko, I wished I had could impersonate other people. Too bad I can't though." He said as he pulled out the scarf from Senketsu from his pocket, which so happens to be the eyes. Ryuko's eyes widen once more as she quite literally snatches it from (Y/n). "Senketsu! You're alive! Thank goodness..." Ryuko shouted in happiness as she hugged the scarf close to her. "Well...Only because you held me so tightly." Replied Senketsu. "I mean he's not wrong." (Y/n) simply replied. "Wait, where's the rest of him?" Ryuko asked to no one. "Ryuko, my shredded body has been divided amongst the School Raid Trip students." Stated Senketsu. "Hmm, So we need to find where the Trip is going to find the rest of him." (Y/n) stated simply.

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