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I freakin’ LOVE this show. I don’t even care if it breaks my heart or pistol-whips me later and leaves me for dead. Show, you complete me.

After revealing herself in her gumiho form, Mi-ho takes back her healing fox bead and Dae-woong slumps to the ground. She floats above him, saying that she saved him, but he tossed her away, so she doesn’t know him anymore.

He starts to deteriorate quickly, as a dark black smoke surrounds him. Mi-ho hovers above him, a little sad to let him die, but starts to leave. She flashes back to the pig incident, remembering how he so bravely came back for her and tried to protect her from what he thought was a very scary pig.

So she returns, her white energy dissipating the black cloud, and says that since he came back for her once, she’ll do the same. Aw

And rawr! How much do I love that she’s the one doing all the kissing?

Dae-woong wakes up in a daze, startled to see Mi-ho staring at him like a shiny new toy. He runs and hides (heh), so Mi-ho muses to herself that she’ll have to put the fear of god into him to make him stick to her side. She watches with amusement as Dae-woong tries to action-sequence himself out of there, failing hilariously. Mi-ho: “Do you want me to help?” Hahaha.

There’s an extended sequence where imaginary-action-stuntman Dae-woong does all these crazy stunts to get away, and encourages real Dae-woong that he can do it. There’s nothing more revealing about how dorky a guy is than the superhero version of himself giving him the thumbs-up.

He gets stuck in mid-air right above her, and to top it off his grandfather calls and he drops his phone. Mi-ho peers at it curiously, and hearing a voice, she answers. Grandpa asks where Dae-woong is, and Dae-woong responds with grunts and heavy breathing as he tries to hold onto the rope, and Mi-ho says matter-of-factly: “Dae-woong? Is on top of me.” Tee-hee-hee!

Mi-ho tells Dae-woong to come down now, but he insists rather than get eaten up, he’ll just die up here, thank you very much. She threatens to pluck him down herself, and Dae-woong scoffs that she can’t pluck him like an apple. So Mi-ho demonstrates another of her gumiho powers, and flies up to retrieve him.

She lands on top of him (all right, Mi-ho!) and Dae-woong acknowledges that she’s a gumiho. Dae-woong: “Okay. You’re a gumiho. Since you plucked me, you can eat me.” Kyah, all these thinly veiled sex jokes are making me giggle like a schoolgirl.

Mi-ho: “Can I really eat you?” Dae-woong: “You can eat me. But just know this. If there are gumihos in the world, then there must be ghosts too. So I’ll come back as a ghost and get my revenge!” He braces himself for death with false bravado, not listening to her question of why he never asked to be saved.

She says, “Okay, but if you asked me to save you, I would have let you live…” Immediately, Dae-woong gets on his knees (ha!) and begs for his life.

MY GIRL FRIEND ID A GUMIHOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon