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He rolls out compliment after compliment, one of them being that she eats more than Kang Ho-dong, which if you know Lee Seung-gi from his variety shows, is a shout-out to his hyung. He says that as long as she doesn’t try to eat him up, he’d love to be friends. That puts her on cloud nine, and she wonders if they can be friends even if she’s not human. Dae-woong’s like, if E.T. can do it, so can we! She asks how they become friends, so he teaches her the E.T. handshake.

She’s so excited that she does it over and over again, and Dae-woong starts to feel a twinge of regret at lying to her when she so clearly wants to be his friend. But that doesn’t stop him from getting to his objective. He starts asking her about her gumiho powers, and finds out that she’s weaker in her abilities because he’s got her fox bead, which must be the source of her power.

He asks if she’s got any weaknesses? Nope. Heh.

Any fears? Yes—she says she’s afraid of large bodies of water, now that she doesn’t have her fox bead. He stores that tidbit away, wondering how he’s going to drop her in a lake somewhere.

Mi-ho comes running down, saying that the beer put her in such a good mood that her tails are dying to come out. She wants him to come outside so she can show him, and they go back in forth in a hilarious bit using euphemisms like, “But I’m not ready,” and “But we did it once before.” She coaxes him like she’s luring him to bed, and he gets dragged out, saying, “Gently, slowly…treat me well…” Hahahaha. This sexual role-reversal metaphor is killing me. It’s the best thing since sliced bread.

In the subsequent days, she wants cow for breakfast, lunch and dinner, day after day. We catch up to a scene similar to the one that opened Episode 1, were Dae-woong tells her that they can’t have cow today. Her eyes glow blue and he cowers in fear, and when a lady above them drops her potted plant, Mi-ho flies up in the air to kick it away, and the flower lands perfectly in her hair. She adds a little agyeo (cute factor) and does a little “Woong-ah-ah” much like the famous oppa-pout-wiggle. I know you’re a fox, but where did you learn agyeo? I do love that she calls him “Woong,” short for Dae-woong—it makes him sound even less manlier than he already is.

Min-sook returns to the department store, hoping to run into the mysterious Chow Yun-fat Lite again. She finds him eyeing a new trenchcoat, and is about to walk up to him, when Sun-nyeo comes bounding up, calling him Doo-hong-sshi. They act cutesy together, and Min-sook stares agape, then runs away.

Doo-hong goes after her, and Sun-nyeo calls out, “Daddy!” Okay, I know it makes for a good misunderstanding, but who calls their dad by name? That could be misconstrued as icky, so let’s get your college-aged daughter to stop doing that, shall we?

He catches up to her, where she happens to be hiding out in the men’s underwear department. A sales rep asks her if she’s shopping for men’s underwear, and to save face, she answers “Yes.” His face falls, and he keeps walking, both of them thinking the other is unavailable.

At the park, Byung-soo and Mi-ho play a guess-which-hand-the-coin-is-in game, which of course she wins every time. Byung-soo calls her “jae-soo-sshi,” which is a moniker for your brother’s wife, and what close friends call each other’s girlfriends or wives. Dae-woong sneers at that, but lets it pass, and wonders to himself if he threw her in a lake like this one, he’d probably end up dead.

Byung-soo tells him to stop feeding the carps so much because they’re rare fish, and Dae-woong says they’re not the rare kind, like the ones Grandpa raises. Another light bulb goes off—that’s where he can get more money! Oh, you and your hare-brained schemes. He sneaks in and manages to catch one, but Grandpa catches him in the act. He takes off running, with Grandpa and Aunt Min-sook chasing behind, and then while he’s not looking, a truck comes screeching to a halt in his path.

Aunt and Grandpa scream, and the fish goes flying…

MY GIRL FRIEND ID A GUMIHOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon