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that evening, Dae-woong is stuck at home, unable to accept his friends’ invitations to party. He sighs, “Where did my life go? While she’s with me, I can’t do a thing!”

Hye-in drops by while Mi-ho is napping, so he sneaks out quietly to talk with her outside. With a perceived rival now on the scene, Hye-in asks him to declare his feelings for her, giving him encouragement — holding his hand and embracing him — to pressure him into making his declaration.

Dae-woong gives in to the temptation and leans in for a kiss… until he imagines Mi-ho sternly reminding him he isn’t free to do anything of the kind. In his horror-fantasy, Mi-ho growls, “I told you not to mate!”

And he wakes up from this nightmare.

Mi-ho is starting to understand the whole money = meat situation, and also that the chicken place has a promotional deal wherein ten proofs of purchase can be exchanged for a free meal. They’ve got eight, so she heads off to a streetside trash can to find more.

On her way there, she darts in front of a car, which bumps her as it screeches to a halt. It’s Doo-hong, who calls out after her to see if she’s okay.

Mi-ho finds a coupon in the trash, but a gust of wind sends the coupon flying through the air, so she leaps up among the treetops to retrieve it.

A fascinated Doo-hong can’t believe his eyes as Mi-ho leaps in the air among the branches to grab the coupon. As an action director casting a new project, such a display of physical prowess is impressive, particularly without wires or tricks. Finally, he has found the “real action” hero he’s been searching for!

Audition day for Dae-woong. He asks Mi-ho for her opinion on shirts, and she chooses the brown one: “That’s the color of cows!” Dryly, he holds up his other shirts in turn, asking, “So is this pig color [pink], and this one chicken [yellow]?”

Without a hint of irony, Mi-ho agrees, and goes one step further to rate them in order of preference: first place is cow, second is pig, third is chicken. She urges him to choose the cow color, to which he retorts that he’ll wear “grass color” so as not to appeal to her appetite.

As Dae-woong leaves for his audition, Grandpa arrives and overhears his conversation with Mi-ho. His words (that he’d better do well in order to keep her in beef) have a different ring to Grandpa’s ears, particularly when Dae-woong declares that this is all “to support you.”

At first Grandpa is dismayed, but he recalls scenes from Dae-woong’s spoiled youth — such as when the young boy announced that since Grandpa’s so rich, he has no need to find a way to support himself. Or when the adolescent Dae-woong ditched school and said he could just set up his own billiard hall with Grandpa’s money. Or when college-aged Dae-woong asked Grandpa to set up his own management company, so he could become a star, declaring, “I don’t like difficult things. I want to hit it big!”

In that context, Dae-woong working hard to put food on the table for his girlfriend isn’t SO horrible. In fact, Grandpa’s rather pleased at this transformation.

Mi-ho’s superhuman sense of hearing picks up on Grandpa’s murmured remarks, and she tells Dae-woong that someone’s talking about him — someone’s proud of him for his sense of responsibility. (Then Dae-woong shrugs — it must be a different Dae-woong. HA!)

doo-hong’s assistant prepares him for the day’s auditions and points out the leading choice for female lead, but he’s distracted by thoughts of his mysterious real action heroine from the night before.

In fact, Hye-in is auditioning for a supporting character with a lot of action scenes, but she overhears the assistant saying that the director wants to cast a rookie for the lead — something about long hair and a white dress.

MY GIRL FRIEND ID A GUMIHOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon