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His friends Byung-soo and Sun-nyeo burst in, only hearing the tail end of their conversation. Sun-nyeo runs off crying, taking the words to mean only what they could to normal people: she gave him her virginity, so now he has to take responsibility. Byung-soo congratulates him like a typical dude.

He explains to Byung-soo that her name is Gu Mi-ho, and that she’s staying with him for the time being because of extenuating circumstances. Byung-soo seems to be Dae-woong’s only real friend, as he offers up the cash in his wallet to help him out, since he knows what being on the outs with Grandpa means.

Mi-ho overhears the conversation and later asks Dae-woong why he called her Gu Mi-ho. He starts to just say he made it up ’cause it sounded like a name, but she starts to scowl. So he quickly adds that since she wants so much to be human, she needs a name, and Mi-ho sounds nice and it suits her. She beams, saying that she loves it when he calls her by her new name. He tells her that she can’t mess with his friends, just as basketball dude gets hauled away on a stretcher behind him. She averts her eyes and nods that of course she won’t.

Dong-joo arrives on campus and baits Dae-woong with a call to the administrative office. He awaits for the gumiho to arrive with him, and watches his mystical dagger for the glowy sign of gumiho-nearness. Dae-woong comes in alone, but once Mi-ho sits down nearby, the dagger glows and Dong-joo takes off running.

Mi-ho senses something coming towards her…and she turns her head, and we cut back to Dong-joo running down the hall.

Cut to Mi-ho as she says, “It’s a chicken!”


She takes off running after the chicken on a motorcycle, and Dong-joo chases after her. He catches up, and as his dagger lights up in her presence, she turns to look in his direction, and he’s startled to see her face. No, it isn’t just her staggering beauty—he recognizes it immediately, and it stops him in his tracks.

he wonders, his whole body shaking, why she happened to return with the same face. He flashes back to centuries ago, when he killed her the first time, and then held her in his arms, both of them crying as she faded away into ash.

Aw, the gumiho hunter in love with a gumiho! Seriously guys, I love this stuff. I don’t even care if it’s epically cheesy. That’s what makes it AWESOME.

Back in the present day, Dong-joo convinces himself, with a tear in his eye, that she can’t be the same gumiho. No, he killed her by his own hand. She just looks the same. That’s all.

Dae-woong tries to ask Mi-ho about the painting and where he can find the Grandmother Spirit that trapped her in there. She doesn’t want to give up any information, so he devises a foolproof plan: get her drunk and then she’ll talk! Silly boy. Do you know nothing of supernatural constitution?

He knows her penchant for bubbly drinks, so he shakes up the beer to make it extra foamy and they toss ‘em back. And boy, she’s a drinker. Just wait till he introduces you to carbonated makgulli. He drinks maybe less than half of what she does, tossing his beer out while she isn’t looking, or playing rock-paper-scissors and telling her that scissors beat rocks, so she drinks. He even tries to teach her to crush the cans, which she does handily, but he struggles with (heh).

He thinks she’s probably drunk, so he starts laying it on pretty thick, about how he feels really close to her now, and she’s much better to be around than his fair-weather friends. He says that she’s prettier than most girls, and that he was startled when he first saw her. She frowns at that, saying that she actually doesn’t like that, because in order to appear human, she’d rather just be average-pretty. HA. Dae-woong’s expression of really, princess? is perfect.

MY GIRL FRIEND ID A GUMIHOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon