"A frail, tiny human, and a King.'

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The Creators, point of view.

I sighed softly, dropping my bag by my bed as I flopped onto my bed after I plugged in my laptop. Who knew [REDACTED.] grade was so tiring.. Closing my eyes, I sighed again. Smiling, I felt something rub against my body. Opening an eye, I giggled softly.

"Hello to you too, Stormy." I gently lifted my hand, which was curled into a fist as my cat, Stormy, rubbed against my hand. I yawned softly. Maybe daydreaming would help..? Turning onto my side, I plugged in my headphones into my phone and scrolled down to find an edit audio playlist, then closed my eyes when it started playing. I smiled, but it fell as I felt relaxed.. Slowly, and before I knew it, I was out like a light.. Well, not yet. I was into my daydream.

Smirking, Richard lifted his hand and threw it at Phoniex's face, the girl crying out in pain while Time cried out for her. 

"Phoniex!" Time rushed over, holding the brunette close. Lowering the girls mask, he stared at her bruised and bloody face. Tears pricked the makes eyes as he felt for a pulse, but felt nothing. "Phoebe..?"

There was silence. Slowly, Time's body began to shake as lightning hit the ground randomly around him. 

"HOW DARE YOU MURDER YOUR SISTER?!" Richard flinched at the tone, quickly backing away as he lifted his hand, a water like force field now protecting him from the lightning. He knew he couldn't hold it for long, as he shut his eyes tightly.

"I need.. I need to keep this.. Up.." Richards hand grew tired, and dropped. As well as his body. Tired and exhausted was how he felt, but now, he was in a major amount of agony. Screaming blood murder, Time watched as Richard cried in pain.

The brunette will not go down in vein. His apprentice will not go down in vein. Of course, Phoniex would tell her Master, or boss as most would consider it, to leave her brother alone. Unfortunate for the now dead brunette, Phoniexs wish would not be heard, but at least the two twins were safe together..

But something wasn't right. 

Everything faded, and it grew darker..

So dark, I couldn't see a thing.

Where.. Am I? Looking around, I saw nothing but a figure. I gasped and quickly covered my mouth in shock. Am I still daydreaming?! I hope not..!

"What in the name.. Where am I?!"

Yeah, that's him alright.

-Third person, point of view-

Nightmare searched around him until he turned around to see the small figure. Out of instinct, he raised his hand to destroy the girl. Along with that instinct of anyone, ᒷᓭ!¡ᒷᓵ╎ᔑꖎꖎ|| ᔑ ᒲᔑꖎᒷ, the girl covered her head in defense. Nightmare only stared in disappointment and anger.

"Why can't I kill you, let alone use my powers?" Nightmare got not response, which angered him. Sighing, he lowered his hand and walked over to get a closer look. Of course, she was a brunette, but he couldn't see her eyes, or most of her face. Wearing a black hoodie that said, 'Paris' on top with the caption, 'France' below, he raised a brow. "...Your jeans are ripped."

"I- um, I-I know.. It's a type of fashion.."

"Who the hell would wear ripped jeans? You'd get hurt." The girl fell silent at his words, but a small smile crept onto her face.


"What are you, a masochist?"

"Yeah, I guess.. Anyways, um." The girl sat up properly slowly, rubbing her head. Nightmare could finally see her face. The girls eyes were a dark brown that held a longing sadness within them, her skin pale and bruised. You might think shes depressed, but thats not entirely what was going on to the teen.

"So.. I guess we can start with an introduction, since I can't kill you." Nightmare sighed and sat down in front of the girl. "..You wanna go, orrrr?"

"Not really, but since I already know who you are, I guess it would only be fair." The girl took a deep breath. "My names [REDACTED]. Nothing special."

"..Huh. Wait, you said you know me?"

"Mhmm.. I'm not getting into it, it wouldn't matter." The Creator, as you all know for now, looked away. "Unless you don't know yourself.."

"Of course I do! Who wouldn't?" Nightmare narrowed his eyes, a little insulted. Little did he know, she was too. After a while, it had got so silent Nightmare could feel his fingertips grow cold. Biting his lip, he sighed. "Anyways..."

Nightmare looked over at the brunette, who was curled on her side, her back facing him. He groaned silently. "You do realize who I am?"

"Duh.. Nightmare Steve; The Nightmare King."

'Damn, they're good..'

Nightmare only nodded, then looked over again at the brunette, who let out a small, "ouch".

'But weak.'

"Alright, enough of this foolishness." Instantly, the girl sat up and looked at him. "Give me your arm."


"You literally said, 'ouch'. Who does that randomly? Now give me your hand."

The brunette sighed and lifted her hand, the blonde gently taking her hand into his as he rolled up the sleeve. Surprised, he saw no wounds other than past bruises and.. 

"What are these red dots?"

"Acne. Its gonna sound real disgusting, but its just a bump with white pus inside. Really satisfying when you pick at it if you ask me" Nightmare blinked, but nodded at her words.

"So.. Why'd you say ouch?"

"I hurt myself."

"Show me-"

"No." Nightmare gave a sour expression to her choice of words. Sighing, Nightmare leaned back and layed on the floor. Closing his eyes, he grew tired due to the brunettes humming. When it ended, he woke back up. Opening his eyes, he looked over at her.

"What are you doing...?"

"Trying to keep myself warm.. I can't feel warmth.." The brunette yawned softly, hiding in her hoodie only for arms to wrap around her small, skinny body. Looking up, [REDACTED] looked into Nightmares bloody eyes, the male staring down at her. 

"Is this better for you?"

"Well, kind of.." [REDACTED] shifted, now more comfortable with her back pressed against the blondes chest. "Even though I can't feel the warmth from either bodies, its nice to know someone cares.."

"Do Steves- Err.. I think thats the word. Do others care for you?" Nightmare glanced at the smaller figure.

"Yeah, but I can't see that. Well, I can, but my mind sometimes tells me otherwise. Its kinda confusing, lets just simplify it to hallucinations.. K?"

"Mhmm.. Alright, tiny." Nightmare closed his eyes, resting his head on top of hers. Slowly, he could feel her body relax in his grasp. A soft sigh escaped Nightmares lips as he opened his eyes again and glanced at the tiny sleeping figure in his arms.

'No matter how frail or tiny you seem to be.. I guess we're gonna be together for a while.

Sighing, Nightmare kissed the top of her head.

'Frail, tiny human..'

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