you are your third eye

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The third eye is born to this world, before everything else is. To you, there is no human, no animal, no ground, no sky, only empty perception. A naked eye that has no sense of reality whatsoever.

And it is proven that a child raised by wolves, becomes the wolf by nature. Because he wasn't born a human after all. Maybe to others who perceived him as such. But they've already been taught to see man as man, and animal as animal. But a child with no teaching, will believe that he is a wolf, if a wolf were to teach him that he is one.

So then, you are only a human being, because man said so. And you took his word for it, because you didn't know how not to believe man.

But the problem lies in the fact that man believes that he is lesser than magic. When man himself, decided what is, and what isn't magic. Man chose to believe that humankind is nothing chimerical. Man taught man to believe that flying, would be a phenomenon for humankind if it ever came to be, when the simple truth is that the only thing that stops man from flight, is that he has no wings

Yet man will not put his ability to master a multitude of languages, on the same pedestal as the ability to fly, when flying is nothing but a physical act of movement that requires nothing more than the physicality of a pigeon.

Man teaches us to believe that flying is special, but speaking is not.  Because man's nature has been to only limit man. And meanwhile, we advance technology, glorifying the progression in an artificial sentience, and we would dare to call it a phenomenon, if technology could match the ability of man, and still push the narrative that man is not a phenomenon himself?

This is a disservice to the third eye. We must revolutionize perspective and understand that our human bound features, have the same quality as magic. Humanity is a phenomenon that restricts itself from that very truth.

But no matter whether you see yourself as man or as a wolf, by nature, you have the mind and the body that is flexible enough to entirely transform yourself in the physical realm. In such a blatant reality, humanity is not normal. We are shape shifters. And if shape shifters would be seen as gods, then why are we not? Why is man, not magic?

Humankind has the widest, most complex range of combat out of any species on this entire planet, yet human refers to itself as 'only' human? We even refer to ourselves as insignificant in comparison to the vastness of the very universe that made us this way.

Fact is, significance of the self, has always been a choice. Only, for us, it was preemptively decided by an authoritative narrative by man.

Now is the time that you take this knowledge, and break the fourth wall of the physical realm.  Because 'real' life is only as real as what you choose to believe.

Stay close to me, seeing eyes. I have so much more that I want to teach you in the future. And until then, I bid thee, ado.

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