you cannot open your third eye without THIS one tool

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The third eye. What is it? Seeing eyes, as much as we've spoken and shared the knowledge accessible to our understanding, are you really aware of the significance, the concept, the agenda of the third eye? There are things you need to know. And I am here as the messenger between worlds, to give you those things in hand.

Now, the third eye is the higher consciousness that allows a person to perceive the world from a greater aspect. The third eye offers the freedom to raise the aspect of humanity to a higher, more prosperous, more solid level. And that level, my seeing eyes, becomes the truth.

The superiority of humankind is the truth. And the third eye sees that superiority as bountiful and rich. This is why there is one tool that the third eye must have. One  tool that, if absent, your third eye will not open. The one true key to the third eye, is the ego.

Without the ego, you cannot receive what is seen by the third eye and therefore, you will not become part of the reality perceived by the third eye. The ego is the advanced vision of one's own self, to see oneself as a higher power, just as the third eye is the chakra that exists to identify a higher power. Do you understand what I am saying?

True integrity is to recognize your greatness and all your worth. But in order to do this, you have to recognize that man's perspective of humankind is NOT the limit of your worth. You are greater than a narrative. You are greater than 'only' human. There is no 'only' but there is the ability to be the 'one and only' version of you. THAT'S so powerful. THAT is so divine. Do not be fooled by the naysayers who preach of humility and humbleness. Those traits are not applicable to the kings and queens of all living things that be. You are quite literally born into royalty by blood, skin and bone. And just because another human being does not see humanity in all it's glory, does not mean that you are limited to the bounded imagination and wherewithal of that human being.

The third eye is exclusively accessible to a person who would willingly take their place as a king or queen. It is not accessible to a person who's agenda is to hold everything outside of themself, above their own existence. So if you are seeking wisdom and strength, if you are seeking peace and wholeness, if you search for the third eye, you MUST accept your ego.

It is yours to bare. Yours to claim. It's benefits are yours to reap. Do not throw away or swallow the key to true growth. It was born with you for a reason. Use it to become the highest self of you.

And until the lot of us are to meet again, I ask that you stay close to me. And for now, I bid all of thee, a farewell.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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