humankind's greatest weakness

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Humankind's greatest weakness is a false sense of unity. Because a false sense of unity has done nothing but forge a collective narrative of disdain. And these disdainful narratives will target our politics, our entertainments, our religions. And the heartbreak is that we have given this false sense of unity, a safehouse that we call the internet.

The internet has become nothing but a place for the first amendment to become a weapon we use for evil, rather than justice. and then the generations that grow up in the gardens that we have left them with, become overexposed to the now simplified power of a deceitful and distasteful narrative. This, my seeing eyes, is referred to as a stereotype.

The oversimplification of a perspective based one's participation in a group of people. And the more we accustom ourselves to the act of placing and embracing stereotypes, the less we give ourselves the availability to knowledge.

But if faith is the innate ability to believeth in something, without the substance of proof, then the practice of placing stereotypes is the act of abusing that innate ability, and with it, the one, true technology that is the human body, aligned with the memory drive that is the mind.

Place your power back into the real world. The world that was created solely to interact with the technology of the human body. Remove all negotiation from the false technology that creates a safehouse for unity that cannot truly bring people together, take those negotiations and transfer them back to your world.

Speak through your mouths and not through the element of electricity. We were birthed with the ability to communicate and then man made it a lawful right. But as long as we confine our lawful right and natural ability to a place that is entirely man-made, we will gradually take the power away from ourselves. The power that is needed to truly understand one another.

Because I'll tell you this now. As long as there as false unity in this world, there will NEVER be neutrality. And without neutrality, there will always be a hair trigger to a war.

Religion, entertainment and politics are all being weighed on a scale right now. It is time for you, for us, to destroy that scale and give rebirth to the neutrality that the third eye never lived without.

Because love has always existed through neutrality and to not divide by the means of classification.

No human ever became a greater form of his own species and self, through a monetary or social status. If anything, man himself would become more and more like man-made technology, so long as he believes that monetarism and sociability I'm terms of numbers, are the battery to the technology of the human body.

Freedom is now at an all time low. Because the safehouse for false unity is and always will be, a trap in disguise. They found a way to govern our minds through education, our paper worth, through domestication and our bodies, through sexual strongholds. And down this same path, they are governing our communication, through a man's spider 'web'.

One dimension at a time, and every dimension to come, meaning communication, money, mind and body, we will take back ownership of the technology we were born inside of.

So stay very close to me, as I lead you further down our road. And until our next meeting, I bid thee, farewell.

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