physical civilization: a trap

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It is to our freedom, what a portrait is, to a Picasso. Stunting out growth, our true meaning. Seeing eyes, listen to me when I say this. We are weakened by routine.

'Habit' is literally the one similarity between man and animal. Mind all of you, that this particular trait, is what man uses, to domesticate the animal. So if man can domesticate wildlife, through one of wildlife's on innate traits, don't you think that man has done the same to humankind?

But seeing eyes of this world, I beg of you to comprehend that civilization of the human conscious comes in stages. And the most consistent stage of the civilization of the conscious mind, parallel to human growth, is the world's greatest myth, especially in relation to the current generation.

Seeing eyes, the world's biggest myth right now, is that we exist in a society. A society that stereotypes the standard of beauty, intelligence, significance and social status. The fact of this matter is actually that society is a narrative, adopted by the weak minded. Society is the human's modern way of self criticism.

There is no genuine society of people, having the authority to determine what shape of the human body, is more attractive compared to another. There is no authentic government over humankind's overall self image.

Society is, quite literally, a false prophet ultimately created by a false narrative. But thks society has no voice other than it's ability to have us speak upon ourselves. So if anything at all, society is the world's convoluted, misleading term for self consciousness. YOU are the society over yourself.

A wiseman that I have had the pleasure of not only admiring, but interacting with, coined the phrase that I have repeated several times. "Control your narrative" and these three words are the strongest words to the mind, soul and spirit.

Because to control your narrative isn't simply to control how you feel about yourself. It is the ability to dictate who in your life, has the ability to affect the way you think. It is the ability to dictate how others make you feel about yourself. It is the ability to dictate the government of your self image, being that the company that you surround yourself with, is sure to have an impact on you. Controlling your narrative, requires you to be selective about the kinds of people you choose to interact with the technology that is your human body.

Let not a false prophet, determine your place in the world. Because what even is a false prophet in the face of a social community? Irrelevance is the answer.

I say to the world that beauty is a matter of perspective. But deeper than that, beauty by nature's terms, is entirely based on one person's attraction to another person's physical body. There has never been one preference standing alone, of what it takes for a person to be attracted to another. Because beauty is entirely based on the interchangeable preference of the human mind.

And if you involve the false prophet that is society, into your narrative when you speak of self image, you are giving your ultimate power, the power of the third eye, to a dead cult, for there may have been a significance to society once upon a time, but that is no longer the case.

We've already allowed man to have the authorization over us that evenly divides our schedule of sleep, work and leisure, which is another conversation for another date. But today, do not allow yourself to be ruled by the outdated government that simply has no solidity in this generation.

Put bluntly, society is literally not a real thing anymore, so tell your self conscious narrative to shut the fuck up. Respectfully.

And with those words said and hoped understood, I once again ask that you stay close to me for the future that I will lead you into. And let's claim, together, the authority and government of self image. Till next time, I bid all of thee, ado.

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