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Superhuman. What an utmost straightforward term, to describe a person. But as humans, directed by man, we are led to believe that super humanity is a fictional feat.

But what is super? What is it to be superlative? To be superlative is to be of the highest quality or skill. To be super is to be exceptional. So then, to be a super human being, is to simply be an exceptionally adept human, do I not speak the truth here?

Supermen and superwomen are not the men and women who fly, the men and women who breathe fire, nor the men and women who teleport from one area to another, like in the children's comic books. No, in fact, the real supermen and the real superwomen, the exceptional men and women, are the ones who broke records of the human attribute. Those who are exceptional in speed, strength, intelligence,

These human bound attributes, in surplus, create the authentic superhuman. And by the technology of the human body, you are bound to each of these attributes and given the proper resources to advance these attributes, to a level that is beyond that of the average person.

Meaning that you, as you are right now, are able to become a super human. And see this is funny to me, that human's biggest advantage or disadvantage, is one's narrative. But ironically, in this case, it has only been a disadvantage.

'Super' is not a narrative. It is an adjective. Exceptionality is not a narrative. It is a state of being, in terms of progress. And this progress is not so firmly reliant on a person's DNA. Yes, DNA plays a huge role in the technology that is the human body. But outside of a person's DNA, we have the ability to practice our skills, hone them, and we even have consumable resources that help us to develop the attributes that our human body is bound to.

It's time to not only recognize the accessibility of the one true technology that is the human body, but it is also the time to use that accessibility, properly.

Because if super, by definition, is "more than normal, or excessive" then, tell me, what level of speed, should truly be considered "superspeed"? And what level of strength should be considered "super strength"? And so forth.

Seeing eyes, you don't have to have mythical or crossbred powers, to be a superhuman. You just have to be an exceptionally attributed person. And it's time to know that you can. Nothing can take away the validity of the technology that is your human body. Simply apply this technology of yours, to the purpose you choose for it to bare.

And until we are once again gathered for another meeting, I bid thee all, a farewell.

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