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Man, he built houses. Houses for man, houses for even the animals of the wild, and so much so, even animal kind would begin to develop upon the nature of man. The nature of domestication. That of dependency on the technology that suits them best.

But man didn't only domesticate the realm of physicality. No, he domesticated our spirits and in doing so, the physical realm, became a home, as fantasy became a polluted, outside world.

Referred to as delusion. Referred to as hallucination. Referred to as a dream. But the human body, you must understand, was the one, true form of technology, before electricity had become a factor in everyday life. So then, you must also understand that the ability to conjure up the images of things not experienced in the physical world, is no mistake, no flaw, but a built in function.

Again, man steps in, he domesticated us and hampers our understanding of humankind. And escapism is real. To be able to shift from one reality to an entirely crafted one. This function is active through the relief, away from the physical world that we allow ourselves to have. But man has domesticated that relief so that it abides by his schedule. To only shift one's weight in reality, from one to the other, upon nightly hours.

Sleep IS a necessity. But more than that, it is a gift. A talent. A phenomenon. To allow your mind to completely forget what it knows of the physical world, and be entirely familiar with a world of fantasy, is a function that should be allowed at will. But domestication deprives humankind of it's will. And again, no one knows better than to take man's word, for what worth, is humankind's function.

Lucky for us folk, there are humankind that have risen beyond the physical realm and into the spirit. Humankind who have used the one true technology of the world, that is the human body. And they have used this technology to invent alternate forms of sleep, in order to shift into the alternate realities, that our mind has given us free access to.

• Meditation

• hypnosis

• hell, even intoxication, but be very careful.

The human body is the one, true technology that was first to create holograms that could affect every censor of human sense from sight, to sound to touch. So with such built-in  technology, intoxication is just a hidden form of domestication.

Anything a drug has done for you, your body was already capable of doing. The drug's purpose was to induce the production of an already installed gift, so do not be fooled. You are, right now, very capable of a transition, from physicality, to fantasy.

So then, in therapy sessions, you may learn to practice mindfulness, that keeps you grounded to the physical realm. Count the things that you see, hear or smell, to not get lost in a head full of non physical consistencies. But let's practice just the opposite.

Let's practice escapism through mindfulness. Count not, the things you see, hear and feel in the physical realm, but that of which you see, hear and feel, inside of your head.

Were you ever told to count sheep as a child, and that it would help you to sleep better? Or how about being told to count to ten, after being anaesthetized in a hospital bed prior to a surgery? Then by all means, use the same practice during meditation or hypnosis. Count what you see in the fantasy world. Count the things you hear on your imagination. Count how many things you are able to feel inside of your head.

Feel yourself escape from the domestication of man, and give new life to the third eye.

I hope to see you on the other side. In another world. But no matter where it may be, we will meet again and again. Stay close to me, my seeing eyes. We're just at the gates of fantasy now. I will continue to lead you past them. So until we meet again, I bid thee, ado.

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