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Our history, as humankind, has been consistently built on spiritual idolization of beings outside of our own selves. To me, this follows the same path of blindness that man has put us on in every other area of inner growth.

Because we seem to worship many, many different things. But never, ever do we worship the one true technology, that is the human body. The same human body that built pyramids. The same human body that built cities and castles. The same human body that literally designed the world within the planet. Instead of worshipping the human body, man chose to turn humankind into slaves, for their abilities. And parallel to this, what, in history, has been worshipped by humankind? Humankind, as written in history, have worshipped the very animal that, today, they domesticate. The cat.

Now, as humans who are prompted to study and understand history, what are we forced to take into understanding, from this? We are learning from this that humanity is narratively inferior to the domesticated creature. And to that knowledge, it's no wonder that humankind could be enslaved by its own race, not just on history, but modernity as well.

But I ask you this. If history would have it, that we treat the animals of nature with glory and worship, why have we never worshipped humanity? Why don't we worship the mighty, the strong, the brave, the genius, the quick, the wise. We surely would worship those qualities if they had been harnessed by any creature apart from humanity.

Why is it that we do not worship the one true technology that is the human body? Why is it that we do not worship self healing and develop? Why don't we, as humans, worship the human brain? We, humankind, are in fact, deities in the right that we have found a way to provide shelter, food and breeding for virtually every land creature on the planet earth. Yet we've chosen to worship the very animals that we gave shelter to.

We, as humankind, are undervalued and it's time to change this. The human mind, the human body, human communication, human evolution is superior to every species, unarguably. So if history has it that we have worshipped animals, then we as humans, should worship the bodies we were born into. The brains we function on and the statuses that we achieve through them by practice.

If we do not break the barrier of humility that man has placed upon us, we will forever surrender to our lacking in fulfillment of out potential. We are created in the image of a God and it's high time we begin acting like it. Because if we don't, no other species can properly communicate it's idolization towards humankind, if bared.

So please, seeing eyes, consider all things said as we continue on our path. And stay close. Until next time, I bid thee, ado.

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