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After what Amane said, Y/N had that unreadable expression plastered all over her. It had a mix of confusion, shock and sadness. "What do you mean you don't have feelings for me?" The gamer adjusted herself in her seat and looked at him directly in the eye.

Yet Amane wasn't budging into looking back. "You initiated on holding my hand earlier and you even said nice things to me! I've already realised that all the things you've done for me even if I was mean to you i.... I..." Y/N was already at the verge of tears, not having any idea on why he would act like this.

He just sat there silently. Listening to the other's aching words. "Listen I-" Amane was cut off when the ferris wheel stopped, signaling that it was already their turn to go out.

As they opened the door, Y/N took a few deep breaths and went out first as Amane followed, still not emitting a single word. He walked slowly as he saw Y/N already with the rest of the group, smiling and chatting like nothing happened.

'You'd even put up a front just so your friends wouldn't worry huh? You're so strong, Y/N. That's one of the reasons why I love you.' Amane thought while his hand crawled into a fist.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. He whispered to himself.

As Amane reached the group, Tsukasa was the first one to greet him. "How was the ride, Amane?" He asked in a joyful tone. Amane didn't want to respond but realising as how he reacted after the accident, he wouldn't dare ignore him.

"We just talked that's all, it was fun." Amane faked a smile as Tsukasa replied with an 'alright'.

"Isn't tomorrow a very special day for us?" Akane suddenly announced as everyone's attention went to him.

"What is it?" Aoi asked.

"The game will come back tomorrow! Which means U/N will finally stream again!" Akane rejoiced as he jumped around along with Kou and Aoi.

"Hey don't forget about Donut_King too! He's important too ynow!" Yashiro added as she crossed her arms. Amane and Y/N felt a little bit uneasy because of the events that just happened earlier.

How will he explain? Does he even have to? He knows full well that if he does, he might break her even more. "Tsuchigomori sensei was right..." He whispered to himself.

Tsukasa flinched as he clearly heard what Amane said. He bent his head down and held his brother's hand tightly. Not wanting to let go. "You're gonna be alright, Amane." He whispered and knew that the other one heard it.

Y/N tried her best not to look at the siblings but something feels off at the two. Despite being rejected (twice) she felt like something was wrong between the two of them. She felt that something's bad gonna happen.

'I just don't understand. Did he risk his life to save me because he just wants to or something else? Why does he keep giving me different signs to the point I'll have mixed feelings?'

The gamer really wanted to cry right at that moment but she held back. She just shook it off and kept listening to the others.

The sun has already sunken down and everybody was ready to go home.

They all walked towards the nearest train station and stopped by some stalls for souvenirs while they were on their way out.

Tomorrow was finally the time her gamer vacation stops. "There's still that competition Donut_King asked..." Y/N whispered to herself as she kept staring at the frog keychain she bought.

She was at the very back walking amongst the group with the twin siblings in front of her. She didn't pay much attention to them and just kept staring at the frog.

"Y/N-chan, don't stare at that frog for too long or you'll step on bubblegum!" Yashiro shouted from the front row.

"I'll be fine, don't worry!" She laughed and skipped to where Aoi and Yashiro was.

Leaving the brothers all alone at the back. As it was going dark, the Amusement Park lights turned on and was met with an absolute bright and pretty scenery.

Amane stopped by his tracks as Tsukasa noticed and stopped as well. Very much concerned for his brother. "Are you okay, Amane?" Tsukasa asked.

He observed his twin brother looking at the lights, his eyes glimmering with excitement and happiness. But all went blank when he turned around to fave Tsukasa.

The younger twin walked towards him as he heard the exact words Amane whispered.

"Goodbye amusement park.

goodbye, U/N.

goodbye Japan."


Heyyy it's me, author-chan

uhhh first of all I apologies for the very long wait and I also lost interest in this story🙇‍♂️

although I've been reading comments a lot in this story and I'm proud to say that y'all are so hilarious whenever you guys react to something embarrassing Y/N did AHAHAHAH

Anyways I'll try my best to update.

I also made a persona of mine! Hope u like it <33

I also made a persona of mine! Hope u like it <33

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