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"Goodbye everyone!! See you tomorrow!~" With Aoi and Yashiro's goodbye, everyone separated ways and went home.

Aoi and Akane walked home together. Tsukasa rode his bicycle and Amane walked beside him.

While Y/N and Yashiro found out that they lived in the same neighbourhood and ended up walking together.

"Did you enjoy your first day, Y/N?" Yashiro asked excitedly. How come this student still hasn't been exhausted till now.

"Of course I did!! I have friends now!!" The gamer responded quickly. Although, she knew that they wouldn't last forever and would probably leave her like what happened in the past.

Y/N knew what had to be done. It is to enjoy what she has now until they eventually get tired of her. She does have some goal in her mind that she wants to achieve before the school year ends.

It is to befriend Yugi Amane.

"That's really good to know!! I have to thank you, though." Yashiro smiled with sincerity that startled Y/N for a bit.

'Why would she thank me? Have I done something nice?' Y/N thought.

"Amane-kun was very quiet and would rarely talk back in junior high. The whole group was very surprised when we heard him talk without being shy." Yashiro started as her voice started to sound composed.

"He didn't talk a lot back then? Well, it's maybe because I insulted his favourite gamer and was pissed to the bone haha!" Y/N chuckled at her own response as Yashiro joined her as well.

"Donut King isn't really Amane-kun's favourite. Well that's what we all know." The white-haired daikon spoke.

"Oh? What do you mean? He keeps on arguing back with my insults though. I'm pretty sure it's his favourite." Y/N replied back.

"Back in junior high, our group was the most talkative group out of everyone back then. We always talked about rumours and everyone else's stories." Yashiro began as the gamer noticed the sun setting in the distance. It was beautiful.

"Amane-kun always sat beside Tsukasa-kun. As if he was his bodyguard, trying to protect him. We all got used to Amane-kun being shy and cold somehow.

His eyes was always glued to his phone, watching gameplays of a game we didn't know.

At that time, I noticed that he always watched those gameplays with the same voice, it was high pitched but I could tell that she was a girl.

He watched her everyday, as if he was obsessed." Yashiro continued. Chills ran down the gamer's spine just by hearing the word "obsessed".

"There are a lot of female gamers in the world, but there are only about a hundred who uses their voice while live-streaming." Y/N's expression was impatient as Yashiro easily read it.

"Who else could it be, Y/N?

He loved watching U/N's gameplays.

He smiled everytime that gamer gets a pentakill.

He felt down and would not want to eat with us when she lost a match."

Yashiro's words stunned Y/N as she stopped dead on her tracks. Her eyes were locked at the ground.

"It can't be, he just insulted and made fun U/N at lunch earlier." Y/N noticed Yashiro approach her with a pleased expression.

"Y/N, if you're in Amane-kun's situation, do you think that he'll tell anyone about his interests all of a sudden?" Yashiro chuckled at her expense.

[TBHK AU] || Gamers In Disguise||Amane Yugi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now