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"That's right Tsukasa, I'm in love with the person you rejected."

Tsukasa stood frozen in his spot with wide eyes as the confession scene from earlier flashed in his mind. 'How could i have not realised it?' The younger twin turned his head down low, remembering the signs where Amane have obviously shown his feelings towards her.

The others were stood there with shocked expressions. Although Yashiro didn't have one, it was as if she knew he'll say it somehow.

"Are you happy now? The person who's been kidnapped wouldn't have been in that state if you didn't break her heart. We all knew that she was in danger ever since she's received that threatening message months ago!" Amane yelled, so what if people were staring at him? So what if the group is now the Center of everyone's attention? The only thing he could think about right now is Y/N.

"I didn't expect for any of this to happen. I just wanted to-"

"You just wanted to what? Reject her and make her have feelings for me? That's not how love works, Tsukasa." Amane cut off he other's sentence as he began to shiver, trying to hold back from crying. "You have no idea how much I've been through ever since I've met her. To see someone I'm in love with show feelings for someone I care for."

At this point, Amane was the only one talking. Tsukasa was speechless and couldn't move an inch. As though the world around him was silent. The older twin took a deep breath and walked past Tsukasa to the rest of the group. "The girls should stay here, we would never know if something more dangerous appears on our path." He started with a calm expression.

"Just because we're girls doesn't mean we couldn't protect ourselves. It's Y/N we're talking about, she's our best friend and we would do anything to save her." Yashiro replied.

"Let's all save Y/N together!!" Aoi continued.

Amane sighed in defeat. "If you say s-" the tall male was cut off from a beeping sound coming from his phone. That sound was specifically made for the GPS feature when a contact's phone is turned on. His eyes widened as he immediately checked it.

"Her phone must have been taken by the person who took her. I'm guessing that they're going through her phone." Amane stated whilst trying to stay as calm as possible. "They're heading straight to that abandoned street near Yashiro-san's neighbourhood." He continued and watched carefully.

It was the street where 47 buildings from the 90's were set on fire and abandoned, since that Amane read a lot of articles about their city, he knew that most of the crimes, murder and kidnapping happened in that place and now he's panicking. Y/N's GPS bubble (idfk what it's called srry) stopped and disappeared at the exact street Amane feared her to be in.

"Let's move fast, we'll never know what's going to happen to her." Tsukasa suddenly spoke from behind them with a serious expression. Everyone just nodded as they all ran back to the kimono rental place and quickly changed back to their normal outfits. Once they ran back outside, they rented some bicycles to travel faster.

'Wait for us, Y/N.' Amane repeatedly said in his mind.


Y/N finally woke up but was met with a blurry vision.

"We have captured some high quality maiden right there, how much do you think they will pay us?" A deep and raspy raspy voice spoke. There were three people in the room, including her. She couldn't tell who was talking between the two men. "Oh look, she's finally woken up." Another voice spoke.

"W-where am I..." Y/N was still half asleep and was still confused. Until a few more minutes, she realised what situation she was in, her vision was no longer blurry. Her hands and feet were tied within the wooden chair she was sitting on. She could clearly see full well what those men looked like.

She looked around her and found herself on a small room that smelled like burned wood. The source of light was literally right above her along with a desk table in front of her.

One looked like he was a creepy stalker in his 30's sitting at the side of the table and the other one who was sitting at the office chair looked too familiar. "Have you missed me, my Princess?" The familiar man who was in his 40's stood up from his seat and walked towards her. Y/N's eyes widened at the name he just called her. There was only one person who have called her that in her entire life time.

"No... it can't be." She lifted her head to look at the charming and a happy father he once see to be as heavy tears began fall from her eyes. "So you remember, huh. I guess I won't need to introduce myself anymore." He had this devilish smirk formed in the corner of his lips as he began to touch his daughter's legs. "Oh my my my, look at how delicate your body is. How did you even survive alone?"

"DON'T TOUCH ME YOU MONSTER!" She screamed at him but he didn't give a fuck about it. "Ah, you're just like the others I've sold. So annoying and loud." He rolled his eyes and went back on his seat as he lit up a cigarette. "Sold? What are you going to do with me?!" She yelled at him as thoughts of violent scenes they might do to her flashed on her mind.

"You see, my Prince-"

"Don't fucking call me that, you bastard." She swore at him.

He quickly stood up from his seat and walked towards her, with his eyes filled with rage. He leaned down to her level and grabbed hold of her cheeks. "Listen here you little bitch. You're a worthless good for nothing who doesn't have the right to swear at someone like me so watch your ducking mouth, you understand?" He stated. Y/N winced in pain as more tears fell down.

"This is my job, I'll sell you to some rich guy who came to me for help and would pay me loads if I find someone priceless like you. I don't care what they would do to you once I've already sold you. It's none of my goddamn business to begin with." He leaned onto his chair and lifted his feet on his desk like some carefree man.

"I'll tell you the full story since you won't be seeing everyone you care about anymore."

"They'll come and save me, you'll see." She deadpanned as the other just ignored her.

"We're in the highest floor, darling. Even though there's only the three of us here, there are three men in each three floors~" He exhaled the smoke and just stared at his daughter.

"You were made by accident so I had to take responsibility. And since your mother was rich, we decided to just leave you alone with stacks of cash she stole from her parents. You had no meaning to us, you were just some piece of trash that inherited your mother's beauty and skin. What happened to your mother you ask? She's living the life with her own family and children." His words hurt Y/N so much that all she could do was look down and sob.

"You didn't really have to say that last part..." right now, her world was falling apart. Hearing her own father say that for their first meeting in a whole while, just made her realise her worth. Nothing.

"Yeah, cry all you want. Your new owner will come pick you up tomorrow so just sleep there."


Ooooo I love the smell of angst :DD

So like, how do u write a fighting scene- I have no idea so have this boring chapter first.

To all my loyal readers out there, how much do you want for Christma-

There will be a new chapter after this so that's where I'll write the real a/n lololol

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