Chapter 18:~The final Battle~

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Livia and her army rode against Gondor. Her Dark Knights prepared to fight.
And Livia smiled wickedly. Now she would prove Elora she was the rightful Queen.

(Gondor Castle)

"How long will it take until Livia's army attack us!?,"Elrond exclaimed,
"We need to act now,"
"He's right, Elora," Thranduil sighed,
"You need to act now before you lose your Kingdom forever,"
And suddenly, a guard came storming into the hall,
"My Lord, Aragorn, an army coming closer. The Dark Queen is here,"
And Elora swallowed. "Only one will stand at the end of it all"She thought for herself.

(Some minutes later)

Elora sat on her horse Snowflake. And she turned to her father,
"I'll take care of Livia. You take care of The army,"
"Are you sure you can do this alone?,"Legolas asked, "She was your friend,"
And Elora sighed, "It's my fault she became this way. The least thing is finish it. Whatever happens in this battle, one of us will be The Queen of The Light Kingdom,"

And she rode away against Livia who run against the mountain. And the others in middle earth started to fight Livia's army.

Elora arrived to the mountain and got of Snowflake,
"Stay here," She told the horse.
And she run up on the small path up to the top of the mountain.

Livia stood at the top of the mountain when Elora showed up,
"You've finally come,"Livia muttered as she turned to The elf Princess of Mirkwood,
"So, let's finish this!,"
And she made herself ready with her magic.
"Gladly,"Elora replied with anger in her voice.

And Livia sent her into the dark stone wall of the mountain's cave,
"You really think you're better than me!? Huh! Stronger than me!?,"
And Elora stood up and shot fire at the witch who absorbed the fire and went over to Elora, grabbed her and threw her to the hard ground with force of her magic.
And Elora yelped in pain.
"You can't defeat me, princess! You're too weak!,"Livia exclaimed.
And Elora slowly stood up,
"Don't tell me what I can't do!,"
And she pulled out her daggers and started to fight Livia again.

Livia blocked her attacks with a shield of magic when Elora suddenly grabbed her and pressed her against the wall,
"I'm not so worthless and weak as you think!,"
And Livia kicked her off and Elora backed. And Livia threw herself against her and kicked one of Elora's daggers out of her hand and grabbed her arm.

Elora just smiled wickedly when she realised how close to the edge they were. And she turned them around so Livia was closest to the edge instead with just a step to fall.
And Livia drew her dagger and tried to stab Elora, but Elora kicked the dagger out of Livia's hand and stabbed hers in Livia's heart.

Livia quickly stilled. Elora looked at her with both sadness and anger. She knew it would take some minutes before Livia died since she was a witch with magic and immortal and not the human girl she had been when they first met.

Livia looked at her angrily.
"I'm sorry,"Elora whispered. And she pulled out her dagger and Livia fell down the cliff dead and landed somewhere on the battlefield below the mountain.

Elora swallowed as she looked down at the ground after her,
"I'm sorry, Livia. About how things turned out between us. Rest in peace,"
And she grabbed her weapons that laid on the ground and began to walk down the mountain to the battlefield.

(The battlefield)

Legolas searched the battlefield, hoping he wouldn't found his sister among the dead.
The most of Livia's army had been killed but North and some of his men remained.
They would be executed unless Elora showed up. If she was dead, The Light Kingdom would belong to Mirkwood and their father would rule over it as well.

Suddenly, he noticed Livia among the dead bodies.
"Elora, did it,"Aragorn smiled and put his hand on Legolas shoulder.
"Seems like Elora stabbed her through the heart,"Legolas sighed.

And suddenly, they were blinded by a bright light. And Legolas smiled when he saw Elora coming riding on Snowflake alive and unharmed.
"Iellig, (My daughter)"Thranduil smiled.

And Elora smiled and got off Snowflake and run over to Legolas who hugged her tightly,
"I thought we had lost you,"
Elora smiled, "You will never lose me,"
"Iell, (daughter)"Thranduil whispered.
And Elora smiled at her father and Thranduil pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. Elora now understood how much her father really loves her. He has just sometimes hard to show that.

"Elora, what shall we do with North and his men?,"Elrond suddenly interrupted.
And Elora took a deep breath and went over to North and his men. The others behind her.

"Well, why am I still alive?,"North asked angrily.
"You were the one who helped Livia get the people of The Light Kingdom to believe in her,"Elora began,
"I will ask you the favour to do the same thing for me. Help me bring all my people together and you shall stay by my side as my adviser,"
"You think you can kill our Queen and then ask for my support!? Ask that favour when you've earned the right!,"North exclaimed angrily. And Elora glanced at Emersion who had his hand ready to drew his sword and she turned back to North,
"Livia took The Light Kingdom from me...,"Elora began,
"She took my birthright, a part of our kins land from us. I know you were loyal to Livia, but she was never The rightful Queen. She stole The Kingdom 'cause of Cirdan's wife helped her to the throne. Cristiana will chose a new successor by herself if I don't act! I can't allow her to do that! Do you hear what I'm saying!? I can't allow it! I may be the child of a Sindar but I have the heart of a light elf! I will do whatever it takes to save my Kingdom,"
"You would defy the woman who raised you?,"North asked.
"I would defy The Dark Wizard himself if he tries to buy and sell my Kingdom!,"Elora exclaimed, "I will not risk The Light Kingdom's freedom! So, as your rightful Queen I ask you give up your comfort, to accept my offer, to do what is right. You may lose your alliances, you would have earned the anger of Livia. And I have nothing to give you in return except my loyalty and justice rule and gratitude,"

North glanced at his men and turned back to Elora and drew his sword and held it out i hands before her and kneeled before her. And the rest of the knights did the same and kneeled before their rightful Queen.

Elladan smiled at his wife impressed. And North took Elora's hand,
"Your Majesty," He began and kissed her hand and looked up at her,
"We've been waiting a long long time for you to rise!,"
And Elora smiled and put her hand on North's. Her Kingdom was hers again.

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