Chapter 9:~Saved~

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Elora and the others arrived to The Dark Kingdom.
"Okey, we have to sneak in and rescue Legolas without Livia noticing," Elora explained.
"Well, let's save our friend,"Gimli said.
And they snuck into castle.

They walked through the corridors. When they heard voices.

"North! Is my carriage ready!?," They heard Livia ask.
"Yes, we're ready to leave my Queen!," North explained,
"Elora can already be on her way,"
"Send a guard to finish off The elven prince! He can no longer serve our purpose!," Livia commanded.

Elora looked at Aragorn,
"She's going to kill him," And they snuck after the guard.

Legolas sat in his cell when the guard entered.

'Is it finally time?' Legolas thought,
"Is this really the end?' And the guard pressed the tip of the sword against his chest.
'So this is to be my legacy? No honourable death would I get! Death of some evil witch!

And the men removed the sword,
"Your lucky elven Prince. You will die slowly and painfully,"

(Legolas POV)
It took time before I realised. The tip of the sword had been injected with poison. My body wouldn't be able to handle it. It will kill me.

The guard left the cell and left with his Queen.

Legolas leaned against the stone wall before he drifted into unconsciousness.

Elora opened the door to Legolas cell. Aragorn swallowed as he saw his friend.
"Is he?...," Gimli didn't had the courage to finish his question.
And Aragorn squatted down at the elven Prince and felt his pulse on Legolas wrist,
"No, he's alive but barely,"
And Elora squatted down to her brother,
"We need to get him out of here before Livia returns,"
And she used her magic to open the chains around Legolas's wrists and ankles.
"He's badly injured. And he's been poisoned. We need to get him back to Gondor as fast as possible,"Aragorn explained.

And Aragorn lifted the unconscious elf Prince into his arms. And they went out to the horses.
"Hold on, mellon nin (my friend) We're gonna get you home," And they went out to the horses.
And Aragorn laid Legolas on Snowflake. And Elora got on Snowflake and grabbed her brother's hand,
"Stay with me, Muindor (Brother) I can't let more people die because of me,"
And they set off against Gondor.

(A while later)

They camped in the woods. Aragorn did his best to look after Legolas wounds so they wouldn't get inflected.

He noticed Elora who sat against a tree a bit away from them.
He understood that she felt guilty about what happened to Legolas.

And Elora went over to him,
"I can watch him. You need your sleep. I'll wake you in an hour,"
Aragorn nodded and laid down his bedroll.
Gimli and Faramir had already gone to sleep.

Elora sat down at her brother. She noticed Legolas gave signs of pain now and then. She understood that he was struggling with the poison in his body.
And she placed her hand on his heart and whispered a spell in elvish that made his body relax. And Legolas drifted back into his deep sleep. If she only had her powers in The Dark Kingdom, she would be able to heal the wounds at least. But Livia had forbidden magic except hers to work in her Kingdom.

Elora looked into the burning fire and drifted into the memory when she first met Livia when Livia was just ten years old. When she had saved Livia's life.

(A long time ago)
Elora got of Snowflake and went over to her true love, a human Prince named Philip. And she kissed him.
"What do you say? Picnic at the river?,"Philip asked.
"I can't,"Elora sighed, "I have to be back in an hour. Tea time. Lady never misses a tea time,"
"This is absurd!,"Philip sighed,
"Stealing kisses between lunch and tea! When are you going to tell your parents about us!?,"
"It's not my parents,"Elora sighed,
"It's him,"
Philip shook his head,
"I don't understand. So, I'm a human Prince. He started out as nothing! Wouldn't he of all people understand!?,"
"He does!," Elora insisted,
"But he believes that once you've moved up, you have to keep moving up and...,"
"And I'm down,"Philip sighed.
"He believes that... But Philip...,"Elora smiled,
"I know better,"
Philip put his hands on her shoulders,
"Elora, tell him. He'll get over it! What can he do!?,"
"Have you not seen his magic!?,"Elora exclaimed,
"The question is: What can't he do!?,"
"Who cares about magic,"Philip smiled,
"True love... Is the most powerful magic of all. It can overcome anything,"
"Help!," They suddenly heard something scream.
"Shh, someone's here,"Elora explained.
And they turned around as a ten year old girl came riding on a horse without control.
"Somebody help me!,"She screamed.

And Elora hurried and got on Snowflake and rode after the girl.

"Please, stop! Help me!,"The girl yelled again.
And Elora rode up beside the girl,
"Give me your hand!," And she helped the girl over on Snowflake.
And she stopped and the girl fell to the ground.
And Elora got of Snowflake and helped the girl up,
"It's okay, dear, you're safe,"
"Oh, you saved my life,"The girl said,
"Thank you, elleth,"
"Are you alright?,"Elora asked.
"Yes, but I'll never ride again,"The girl said.
"Nonsense,"Elora smiled,
"The only way to overcome fear is to face it! To get back on that horse as soon as possible,"
"Thank you,"The girl said.
"Elora," Elora introduced herself.
"I'm Livia, Livia Ice," And Elora smiled. And the girl hugged her.

Elora snapped out of her thoughts and turned her head to look at Legolas who was breathing weakly. And she swallowed, "Hold on brother. We'll be home soon," And she used her magic to help his breathing.

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