Chapter 20~Epiolgue~

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Elora tried to ignore the whispers in her head. Something was calling her. Why was it calling her? "Elora, find me," The voice whispered, "Release me...," And Elora swallowed and sat down in her bed, 'Please! Stop! Leave me alone!'

Next night, Elora went out of her bed and left in the middle of the night to a dark lake were she uttered a spell and a golden mirror came out of the water.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the powerful of them all?," Elora pronounced.
And golden water came out of the mirror and Elora backed a few steps away from the water.
And a man in dark cloak and brown eyes and dark hair was formed of water.
The man smiled, "Do not back away from me. You asked a question. My mirror has answered," And Elora swallowed, "Who are you?," The man smiled wickedly, "I'm many things. I was the voice in your head. My name is Hadrian. But I'm more known as The Dark One or The Dark Wizard or The darkness," And he took a tress of her golden hair in his hand,
"I've been trapped in that mirror for almost a 2000 years. Until you released me," And Elora looked at him, "Stay away from my family!," And she shot a fire ball against him, but Hadrian caught the fire in his hand and set a strong force of magic against her and Elora fell to the ground.
"Pathetic!,"Hadrian said wickedly, "I thought you could do better than that!," And Elora started pronounce a spell in elvish. "Fenumë noun, beiro nín, __ ni nestad, __ ni meriad," Elora uttered.
(Save me) (protect me) (...heal me)
"Come, dragon, save me from this evil," Was the last thing Elora said in a language that wasn't elvish or normal human language.

And Hadrian smiled wickedly and looked up at the sky and then looked down at Elora with a wicked smile on his lips, "Seems like your rescue isn't coming, light elf. What do you say we have some fun,"
And Elora swallowed. "Please, save me,"She thought.

And suddenly, a giant silvery dragon landed in front of Elora to protect her from the evil wizard.
And it looked angrily at Hadrian and roared angrily at him.
And Hadrian swallowed, "I wasn't going to hurt your mistress. I promise,"
The dragon laughed, "We don't like evil wizards like you who wants to take advantage of our Queen's gifts, wizard! If she wasn't dying right now, I would gladly burn you into ashes! Leave Hadrian! Before I call on my friends! They are even those who's even bigger than me!,"
And Hadrian looked angrily at the dragon and disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke.

The dragon leaned forward and swept Elora into his claw and flew away back against the Light Kingdom.

Hadrian walked through the woods when Saruman showed up.
"Thank you, my old friend,"Hadrian said. And Saruman smiled, "It was nothing. Soon we will have The Last Light elf in our control," And Hadrian smiled wickedly.

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