Ch.9: Downhill

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Edited: 9/29/21

Chapter name change from "Predator of Heart" to "Downhill"


You felt your left arm tingle with pain. The cat that was once small had become much larger and dug its talon like claws into your forearm. Pulterkitty hissed, standing nearly three(3) heads taller than you, her once white eyes were now glowing red and her single tail was swaying back and forth wildly. The immediate rush of adrenaline coursed through your body as you stumbled backward cradling your arm to your chest. Luigi was nowhere in sight, he must've lost you when you had rushed out of the second floor room chasing the fur ball.

You called his name, crawling backward. The cold mossy bathroom floor made you slip and hit your back into the wall. Pulterkitty hissed, moving closer to you as her claws were completely exposed. You couldn't grip your flashlight from how badly injured your arm was and it wouldn't help. If she felt even the slightest bit threatened she would attack you again, just like when Luigi had caught her but why she wasn't hiding now was unknown to you.

Quickly thinking you held your hands up, almost having your entire body to the floor making you much smaller. You bit your lip, feeling your injured arm pulse with pain but you kept it held up trying your best to stop it shaking.

"D-Don't hurt m-me please. I-I shouldn't have used my strobulb, I-I obviously scared you." You didn't know why you were talking to the cat, you knew she couldn't care less if you were begging for mercy and she proved that by latching her claws against your ankle.

But you couldn't think of any other option besides letting her know you were sorry, and willing to let your guard down. And with your injured arm it would be useless trying to capture her and retrieve the button without Luigi's help. You just needed to stall her until then, so on a whim you held your uninjured hand out further and closed your eyes.

"I won't d-do it again. I'm sorry..." You could feel your voice shake.

This was risky, if she was going to hurt you this was her chance. You were somehow at peace with that thought, knowing you had at least tired. After a long moment you felt something cold graze against your palm, the claws digging into your leg were not felt. You closed your eyes tighter wondering if she was going to chomp down on your hand but when no pain was felt you gently pressed into the the cold object against your palm.

You slowly opened your eyes to see her muzzle gently pressed against your hand, her horrifying form disappearing. Her eyes were closed as she simply purred. You didn't know if it was because of your apology or if someone had stopped her but you didn't care, you were in complete awe.

"Oh, you're not so bad..." You could hear the surprise in your own voice and she seemed to purr loudly in agreement.

You sat up and hunched over as you tested moving your fingers gently under her chin, instead of pulling away or hissing like you thought, she had gently leaned to the side giving you a sign where she wanted to be scratched. You couldn't believe she was letting you pet her but you were grateful. It could've ended very badly if she hadn't accepted your apology. At least that's what you thought she did.

It was almost as if she read your mind because she crawled onto your lap, leaning her head down to your injured forearm. You could feel your skin crawl with goosebumps at the sensation running against the gashes. After she pulled away the pain was gone. When you took a look down you could see three small scars. It was like she had completely healed it, and the only indication it happened were the large gashes in your hoodie.

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